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Member Since:Oct 24, 2013
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Ruh-oh! No secrets to share.
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on patil91_ashish's article
Its already there in India Contact this guy moneymastering@googlemail.com. They have one such builder who makes such concrete buildings within days.. Good to buy one for long term investments and really earthquake proof ur investments..
A 3D Printer for concrete buildings in the making
Commented on jihaan1's article
Silly Its actually funny that on whom the joke was made dint feel bad and the others get offended by it.. Why?
Cheap jokes on pregnant women prove expensive for Kapil Sharma
Commented on pari_neeta's article
Bad decision Banks spends unnecessary amount of money to open and operate the ATM center. They even end up paying double the rent for the same premise that any business would permit and you say that installing such device are burden onto the bank? What a joke.. Ultimately bank wants us to visit the Read More...
Your own bank's ATM may charge for more than 5 transactions
Commented on santosh_raju's review
Its ur mistake. Avoid psu banks as they lack brains and their way of working is careless attitude. They just do tp from 9 to 5
Commented on kspv's review
You are a fool, and the fact that u have forgotten that u r staying in India where the infrastructure is there but useless. It is u who expected what u shouldnt and pay for it. Now ur expecting 4G is the next big thing? Hahaha.. What is to be more excited to be about is 5G technology. yes, gogole it
Commented on rahulavachat's review
My experience is also the same like the writer. Yes, i have been hating people buying which they themselves dont know what they are buying. Like here in local mumbai trains you will find many street people who will use latest mobiles phone and all they will know about the phone and its features is t Read More...
Rated on rahulavachat's review
Commented on her1992's article
Wrong Hit movie is the one which stays in your mind
2013 Blockbusters: Movies that crossed 100 Crore
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