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Member Since:Sep 24, 2006
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HONDA IS HONDA only in name.
Reviewed Honda CB Trigger
Hai, I have bought a Honda CB Trigger DLX(dual disc option) on 29th August 2014. Earlier I have decided to write a review on this bike in Mouthshut only afterRead more...
Good but not great
Reviewed Samsung S3310
I have been using this phone from October 2009. Best in class display and camera quality and very low radiation. Good music quality. Speaker loudness is just Read more...
Reviewed Twenty Best Bikes
1.YAMAHA RD 350:- This bike has got 2 cylindered 347 cc engine producing 37bhp and a six speed gearbox, capable of reaching a top speed of 180kmph. It reachesRead more...
Crux - A nice bike to ride
Reviewed Yamaha Crux
I have a Yamaha Crux 2006 model which has done 40,000kms. It is a nice bike to ride with good handling, control and gives you good comfort also. I would like Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on mannasarkar786's review
A lot of fakers now in mouthshut
Commented on nottyrajat's review
This person writes reviews on all bikes.... I think he owns all bikes launched in India...:)
Rated on mkjayaraj8's review
Commented on rajeshbecs's review
I too have this problem in my Trigger. Faced it three times till now. The engine looses its compression and will not get start with either kick or self starter. The only way out is to push the bike forward in gear and start using engine braking by releasing clutch suddenly. It comes when I do hard a Read More...
Commented on own review
Dear shashankapoornach, Happy to know that u are satisfied with ur Trigger. But I had written this review on my CB Trigger and not on urs. It lacks initial pick up (except in first gear which is good). In all other gears it lacks sudden pick up from slower speeds. I need to down the gears always for Read More...
I was using a Yamaha Crux for the last 8 years and completed 72k kms in it. What a nice bike it was.....smooth engine and gearbox, excellent initial pick up ( u can ride up in second gear from stand still even with a pillion rider), top speed of 100kmph, good quality parts and paint job.....never ga Read More...
Commented on gullapalphanikiran's review
True....service of Honda is very poor...I too experienced the same problems at the time of delivery of my Trigger..
Commented on Sivar's review
Place the air screw in between 2 1/4 turns and 2 1/2 turns outwards. This is the factory air screw settings for Yamaha Crux. This setting will give u excellent mileage without having to compromise much on pick up. Me an user of Yamaha Crux for 8 years and covered 72k kms. I had been constantly getti Read More...
Place the air screw in between 2 1/4 turns and 2 1/2 turns outwards. This is the factory airscrew settings for Yamaha Crux. It will give good mileage and pick up. Me a user of Yamaha Crux for 8 years and 72k kms.
Commented on DaVinci1618's review
@agarwal_ankit Yamaha SS125 comes with a modified YBX engine, which is the best 4 stroke engine in India in terms of engine life. Honda Twister's engine is not yet proven to be a long lasting one. SS125 is more comfortable to ride easy to control than the Twister which has skinny tyres, small re Read More...
Commented on dollar_dum's review
I am using this phone and do not find any of the negatives u have mentioned here in it. May be u have got a defective piece.
Rated on ahmednerekar's review
Commented on ahmednerekar's review
CBF stunner has already got 5 gears. Do u need one more for this 125cc 11bhp bike? lolz.......... U cant just go on increasing the number of gears. It depends on the amount of torque produced by the engine. A 125cc engine will produce only less torque. If u increase the number of gears for a bi Read More...
Commented on samihasib's review
Yeah, u r right. Even my Yamaha Crux had the same problem with tuning and starting, when it was new. It was tuned at airscrew turned 2.5turns outwards. At that time, I was getting a mileage of 75-80kmpl. But the engine was not smooth and pick up was low. Aftrwards i myself changed the settings to 1. Read More...
Rated on peppin_jerry's review
Commented on jma5417's review
This reveiw has not been written by a person who used or uses a Crux or any other Yamaha bike, but a person who hates Yamaha bikes. So people dont believe this review. Use ur sense to find out which bike is the best in 100cc and 125cc. The answer is definitely the 'Yamaha'. It really touches our hea Read More...
Commented on Sancy's review
Your review was nice and informative although u didnt say anything about ur apache. I have a small doubt. When we are braking without applying clutch and then suddenly the rear wheel skids, then a harsh sound is coming from the engine. This occurs sometimes even while using both brakes simultaneousl Read More...
Rated on Sancy's review
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Mukii patel (@patelmukii94MouthShut Verified Member)
Manoj Yellanki (@yellankimanojkumarMouthShut Verified Member)
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