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Member Since:Apr 07, 2005
4 MS Points
A Fine Arts Graduate, Completed BFA (Bachelor in Fine Arts) Degree and joined as an junior visualiser in an Ad Agency called ForeFront Advt. & Mktg. Pvt. Ltd. at Nariman Point Mumbai. Gradually pacing towards becoming an Art Director. Currently working as an Art Director for an AD Company in Mumbai. Being an Fine Arts graduate, i love drawing. i love painting on canvas with Acrylic as a medium. also love ''classical sangeet' specially ghazals.
About Me
Education: Graduate
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HDFC LIFE INSURANCE is a big fraud. Think twice b
Reviewed HDFC Life Insurance
HDFC LIFE INSURANCE is a big fraud. Think twice before entering with any deal with HDFC Life. They will promise sky while explaining the policy details, they Read more...
Reviewed Suzuki Heat
Hi Friends, I was just thinking of buying a low end trustworthy bike for my daily late night office commute of 60 KM per day. I had shortlisted HH Dawn/DeluxRead more...
Its "DTS-Fi" & not "DTSi-Fi!"
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 220 DTS Fi
First of all its not DTSi-Fi but "DTS-Fi". I saw ppl writing anything thatflashes in between their ears under this Head Line. So I thought I should clear it oRead more...
Onida DFX 7100 - A ''No Problem DVD''
Reviewed Onida DFX 7100
Hi this is my 2nd rvw so fa. I have this habit of analysing thoroughly all the available products in the market before buying shortlisted one, so much so thaRead more...
Beauty+brain. Its ''SANIA'' guys!!
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
Hi friends, No Tech. gyan here, just an experience. I think unless n untill you log-in in to the bike (KEY on) the fuel meter dosnt function wetRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
@ ManujiChaube 'ji', Sir, Its because of gods grace you are having swift 'no-problems-life'. When something bad happens... it just happens! When a person from HDFC Life comes to you and explains Policy of total investment of 4-5 Lack over the period of 7 years, to you and takes cheque in the name Read More...
@HDFCLife, Dear Sir, a soft copy of NOTICE is with me, which I can forward it to you (One can complain within 1 year, post which one can not complain to consumer court/Insurance authority that's why I couldn't do anything). Please provide me with your Email Id, I will send the copy of detailed com Read More...
@abdriver2000, I was dealing with the company itself. The problem with me is I dont have any evidence with me to prove my point.. otherwise would have taken them to consumer court. THEY are the Biggest cheaters in this game. Please just just stay away from hdfc.
Rated on soniarun10's review
Commented on preethven's review
thanks for putting some light on imp. facts. i am really confused as to which car to buy, considering lot of other cars on road ie ritz, a-star, xing, volks wagen also coming with polo. but i think wagonR would b the wise decision.
Commented on saguna_d's review
Well said Anildutt. Its because of people like you, who focus on facts rather than not taking real situations in to consideration, we pilgrims feel like going to take the darshan of lord venkateshwara. I am planning the trip from so many years but the 'yoga' is not coming. Would definitely like to g Read More...
Commented on pankajmathpal's review
I too guess the problem is with mechanic. i too am using Hitachi AC for more than 2 years now. functioning really great with no problem at all. change the mechanic 'cause few days back i took my bike to nearest mechanic, he opened some part and fixed it. after that my bike refused to go over 40 @ fu Read More...
Rated on rockysm's review
Hi Jagdishgo4, it'll be too scrupulous a competition for females if we don't count SANIA a good looking in looks if not beautiful. I personally feel her to be capabale enough to make something go dhak dhak (atleast in me :}) wot say jag??
Rated on paranjape_shailesh's review
Yes, I saw the Advertisement in TOI. It says 'Will be launched soon', may be BAL wants to hold on those ppl whose choice is HH Kariz may be! -Sanjay
Hi Anand, thanks yar for takingaout some time for comments. Its not lon'ched yet, its 'comingsoon' as per BAL's report. wot say? cheeers.
Commented on tharun_kilari's review
'JIS THALI MEIN KHATA HAI USI MEIN CHHED KARTA HAI??' (you say you r working for TVS as an Automobile Engineer) I guess u must be lagawing 'Jhadoo-Poccha' in TVS's dafter & not got the increment due to not lagawing Poccha properly!! :)
Rated on manusahni83's review
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