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Member Since:May 07, 2015
517 MS Points
Android Developer
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The greatest technology ever
Reviewed Apple iPhone 6S
The new technology by Apple company which is I phone 6s. It is available in various memories when it was launched. When it is launched and after some days my Read more...
Very Poor Speed And Service
Reviewed MTS MBlaze
I was bought this product in around 2013 year, at that time it is new and giving very good data in less price, when I bought for 2-3 months it is working propRead more...
Fastest speed on Mobile
Reviewed Airtel 4G LTE
Airtel is a mobile operator company which gives more plans and benefits. Its new launched 4G connection is superb, It gives minimum 100Kbps download speed anRead more...
Great place ever
Reviewed Suruchi Beach - Vasai
Hii. friends, I am just talking about the suruchi beach which is located in vasai west Near by  Vasai Gaon(Parnaka). From bus you will reach there in 10 - 1Read more...
Good for learning Java
Reviewed Javatpoint.com
Javapoint.com is a free website for a solution of all java topics like corejava, Adv. java, android etc. Javapoint where we get all solution and this is alsoRead more...
best dance show
Reviewed Dance India Dance Season 5
This is the great show done by the lux. Dance India Dance is my favourite show which is reality show. I think it was first come in 2009 on Zee TV channel. IRead more...
Addicting game
Reviewed Temple Run 2
The new name and new feature is added i.e. temple run 2. It is great for entertaining for all age group people. Temple run 2 is a game which is based on awaRead more...
Reading s/w
Reviewed Adobe Reader
Adobe Reader is a software for reading and writing documents. You will get lots of pdf readers from internet, But this is one of the great reader amongst allRead more...
Great app from google
Reviewed Google Maps
Google is the top company which is provide many services on internet, Google map is one of the best service that they provide. It is best application to see Read more...
Good player
Reviewed MX Video Player
MX player is an application for mobiles phones to see the video. The default player of mobiles phone are not capable to play any type of video but by this viRead more...
Default media player
Reviewed Windows Media Player
Windows media player is a default media player of windows operating system. When you installed any windows in your system that time it will automatically getRead more...
Great performance
Reviewed Windows 8.1
Microsoft launched windows 8.1 after 8.0 . It provides new feature in win 8.1 . It has more advantages than win 8.0, It is best suitable for screen touch andRead more...
Great cake shop
Reviewed Monginis - Kurla - Mumbai
Monginis cakes quality are so good. There are many more varieties in cakes and different design are also available. If we want cake for birthday I will buy Read more...
D mart best mart
Reviewed D Mart - Pune
D-Mart has lowest price products and we can get anything from it. For our daily needs we have to buy fresh DMart is one of the best for daily needs. Kalyan Read more...
Dance India Dance
Reviewed Dance India Dance
Dance India Dance is my favourite show which is reality show. I think it was first come in 2009 on Zee TV channel. It is one of the great show on dance. The Read more...
Great music
Reviewed Bajrangi Bhaijaan Songs
The bajrangi bhaijan is a great movie and music also. The innovation is good. The songs which is in this movie are great to listen and heart touching song. IRead more...
Monginis great cake shop
Reviewed Monginis - Borivali - Mumbai
The great cake shop and pastries also. Monginis is a restaurant where we get fresh cakes. This cakes quality are so good. There are many more varieties in cRead more...
Good internet network
Reviewed Idea Netsetter
Idea has great network in urban areas not in rural areas. When network is low then also Its internet speed is good and accessible all websites. ItRead more...
Amazing mobile
Reviewed Asus Zenfone 2
The great phone have 4 gb RAM . It is worlds first phone having 4 GB RAM. The great camera i.e. 13 MP primary and 5 MP secondary. The great shooting picturesRead more...
Keep active
Reviewed Iodex
Iodex gives relief from pains. I am not using it, But my mom wants daily so I like this product. It is one of the oldest brand and popular also. It is trusteRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Arlaon Sineur (@hermish9999MouthShut Verified Member)
Foetis Urat (@abhirocks0265MouthShut Verified Member)
Mukesh Gupta (@mukeshguptaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Asha Poona (@ashajaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Swapnil Shinde (@Lodha_GroupMouthShut Verified Member)
TalentSprint Private Limited (@TalentSprintMouthShut Verified Member)
Moinuddin Ansari (@moinuddinans90MouthShut Verified Member)
Prable Pandey (@pandeyprable88MouthShut Verified Member)
Anmol Mathus (@anmolmehta07510751MouthShut Verified Member)
Ganesh S (@Gani_2912MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ala Rahi Restoran (@alarahitrMouthShut Verified Member)
Manan Bajoria (@ixigoMouthShut Verified Member)
Mazhar Nawaz (@maaz_nawazMouthShut Verified Member)
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Aisa Lamin (@laminaisa692MouthShut Verified Member)
Kiran S Lokande (@kiranslokandeMouthShut Verified Member)
Hasid (@HasidMouthShut Verified Member)
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Madhav Bahadur (@madhavbahadur25MouthShut Verified Member)
Aarti Gupta (@AstrotalkMouthShut Verified Member)
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