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Member Since:Aug 29, 2008
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Frustating and redicoulous is the dealer
Reviewed Pandit Automotives - Pune
I had purchased Indica in 2004, and as per the process payed each and every EMI. It got cleared in Aug-2008. After 1 month of that I got a letter from PanditRead more...
Help / tips needed to buy which SAFARI DICOR..?
Reviewed Tata Safari DiCOR
I am a die hard fan of Safari-dicor, I am in love with this BEAST!!! As of now I m reading the reviews, the pros and cons but u know when we fall in love witRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on Dinzaach82's article
Lovely..psot..JAI ho MOM ..this is more adorable post bcoz of MOM..ya same goes with me as well..my mom sits (not any specific position)in car and always curses the other vehicles running around our car..see..that stupid vehicle came in between.. are..slowly..and i keep convincing her that..not a p Read More...
Meri Mummy .. Pyaari Mummy in car
Gud1.. Its the fact and good realistic poem/thought. Cheers...thought provoking.
And we all are.....
Commented on sajithtg's review
Same here, i have completed 15000+ KM driving all the way offraoding it , but there seems to be no problem with my car. Honestly speaking, there were couple of porblems like - power window of left-front door was malfunctioning - Some noise from interiors - Brake pads making noise- they change Read More...
Commented on Dinzaach82's review
wonderfull, thoughtfull and clear review. Well, after reading this I am feeling impatient to watch this movie...thanks a lot nd keep posting such review.
Commented on sachin_mali04's review
Congrats to all Vista-Quadrajet owners...According to a contest/survey of 'WHATCAR BIG GROUP TEST' the winner among the cars 'Vista, Swift, Punto, Ritz' is 'VISTA'..i would have uploaded the pdf but ..i think we dont have that facility..if any one knows..please let me know i will upload it soon...on Read More...
Hi Sahil... Althoguh i am pretty satisified now...as they fixed almost 90% issues that i had reported...but the problem with interior noise wasnt fixed...but i accept it as it wasnt a critical issue and expect it to be fixed in next turn..
Followed Dinzaach82
Hi Hemant, The prob is not too critical.This TATA guys fixed it when showed the probl but after some days again got reproduced. So today I have showed them again and will be fixing it. Will update u on this in couple od days when i get my car back. Bye.
Commented on mnc123's review
many congrats to you ..for this lovely BEAST...and ys driving this beast gives u charm of Live Life King size.....after all the tag is perfect..'Reclaim ur life' thanks for this review and waiting for many more....
Rated on mnc123's review
Commented on leadswan's review
great and detailed review...i m not much aware of technical specs...but really driving this is always a fun....great car indeed!!!
Rated on leadswan's review
Rated on arvind_k's review
Followed shikil_gupta
Commented on own review
Thank you all, I really appreciate ur review. Thanks and keep updating me latest.
Rated on sachin_mali04's review
Commented on arvind_k's review
Thanks for the helpfull review, but where can we get Dragon Tuning Box in Pune? what would be the approx cost of fitting ? and will it have any negative impact on Cats' engine/ perfomance if applied? Please if possible can u clear these doubts. Thanks once again.
Thanks for the helpfull review, where can we get Dragon Didgital tunning box in Pune ? what would be price? and will it have any negative impact on Car's engine and performance if applied?
Commented on samnemani's review
Yes, after reading ur comments i strongly agree with u. This car has a gr8 fuel effeciency i have drove atleast 100000 Km and above and still the engine is in gr8 condition and contiues giving me good mileage. But the only problem is with doors litlle bit sluggish and the car makes some noise initia Read More...
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