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Member Since:Aug 25, 2005
0 MS Points
I am a S/w engineer (hmmm yeah another one of the countless many you may have already seen/heard/known :-) ) trying to find my way in the Infinite Abyss for about 3 years now. Music/Movies are my Hobbies and I love collecting DVDs/VCDs/Audio CDs... whether I actually get time to watch them is another story altogether. Reading too is an option, but only if time gives...and mostly it's a miser to me :-) I love Cell Phones and change mine every 6 months or so..much to the chagrin of my wife! But I have a fetish for mobiles and can't really help it... I have a few but close friends as being diplomatic is never on my agenda. I prefer to stay away from braggarts and ''Out to prove I am the best'' kinda people, as they annoy me to no-end and I simply cannot stand them. Mouthshut gives me a place where I can compliment/lambast the Organisations/Companies that I have interacted with. It also helps do some research on any particular product/service that I want to try. My belief lies in the saying, ''Experience is the best teacher'' ...to which I add...”be it yours or someone else's”. So read and write away friends as you never know who you may be helping!. Music - rock, pop, heavy-metal, hip-hop, hindi, lounge...a little of each of these. Movies - again a very varied interest right from Sound of Music to the Rocky series. Jaws, The Island, Star Wars, et all. Reading - whenever time permits. Travelling. Electronics - especially mobiles.
About Me
Education: MCM
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Is it a mobile, is it a PDA, its the P910i!
Reviewed Sony Ericsson P910i
I finally upgraded from the Sony Ericsson S700i to the P910i and after a full week of daily re-charging, I am ready to pen down what it has communicated to meRead more...
A Blonde with Brains!
Reviewed Sony Ericsson S700i
I had been Using Nokias (6600 the latest) for the past 4 years or so. As time went by, I wasnt really satisfied with their performance, looks and featurRead more...
BSNL Dataone...Simply Superb!!!
Reviewed BSNL Dataone Broadband Service
I have been a User of BSNLs Dataone service for about 4 months now and it is simply great! The speeds are very consistent and I have always been able tRead more...
The worst card ever!
Reviewed Standard Chartered Visa Credit Card
I had the Standard Chartered Gold card and was using the same here in Pune. I made a transaction of Rs. 13000/- (approximately) on 31st Dec. 2004. Within theRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on Mogeston's review
Concurring with the 4 others who have rated this phone, I too have rated this phone well. I think this garrulous tirade is a tad too much :-) Everyone's entitled to their opinion though...however I suggest that this phone be certainly mulled over, if you're buying one.
Commented on khalid_cal_1's review
Khalid bhai...this all is common knowledge. We would be more interested in your personal experience with the N90 as that definitely would help us judge this phone. -Sameer
Rated on Ameer110's review
Rated on bhautikjoshi's review
Rated on sapnasmom's review
Followed iamshishir
Rated on hbk88in's review
Commented on hbk88in's review
Nice review. The phone, to me, seems pretty average though. The biggest drawback being you cannot upgarde the memory. Of how much use is the MP3 player then? No Radio too. Cannot install any s/ws too. The (infamous??? u gotta be kidding...) S700i display is good even in the sunlight. I am yet to Read More...
Commented on own review
Hi Ketul, Having been using SE phones for the past year or so, I presume that you would have used your SE a long time ago, because I have never had any issues with the battery life. It is as good as, if not better, than Nokias. In fact, considering the superior displays SE phones give, I think th Read More...
Rated on leonrods's review
Commented on grahak's review
I have had a similar experience wherein I was charged an Insuarnce Premium even though I had not asked for the Insurance. Turns out it was an added 'Benefit' from their side. Just who do these people think they are when they give me a benefit I don't know or need and then charge me for it? Thes Read More...
Rated on c_vignesh's review
Hey thanks for the correction. I have updated the Review to reflect the 128MB bit.
Hey Ali! You better check out the Sony Ericcson W800 too. Trust you may like it....it's built for the Tunes and has a 2 MP Camera. Another one is the K750i. Have a looksie at these too before you make your choice. Ciao!
Hey Ali. Good Day. If you check out the Dataone Tariff Site, it does say that the Rs. 500/- plan gets the 'Night Unlimited' option. So I am pretty much sure that any downloads betwwen 0200-0800 hrs will not be charged. However, if you still wanna play it safe, keep a track of you Download Activity Read More...
Followed coolcritic007
Hi Ketul, Thanks for the advise. Will surely go through your reviews. -Sameer
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