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Member Since:Nov 05, 2009
0 MS Points
Serving for Nation presently in Port Blair India's one of the grat Islands in Andaman Nicobar Islands
About Me
Education: XII
Food and Drinks: Indian/Russian Vegetarian (Some times eat Chiken also)
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JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on mahshut's review
I also have the same problem initially I was thiking that my battery may have some problem but when I check from the other users they also told me that they are havig same problem. Any one give me some solution. the battery life of my phone is working only near about 4-5 hrs. ad which is without the Read More...
Commented on m2raghav's review
Good writting but not elaborated well and which is the version petrol /diesel and model lxi, vxi, Zxi or vdi, ldi you should mentioned and the most important issue is how you calculated the mileage, because there is no system to calculate the mileage of the vehicle. there should be a digital meter p Read More...
Commented on heides's review
very nice, the information is very useful for the ppl who are in queue for buying a new car. The information is sufficient for the new driver also
Rated on heides's review
Rated on pranavramesh's review
Commented on pranavramesh's review
Should write the perfect satisfaction by the readers, and not only for writing review which is incomplete to read
Rated on singlemaltontheroc's review
Commented on amkamble's review
Not understand what he is telling about.....kindly elaborate, but do not repeat
Commented on sabualex's review
Dear frnd kindly look the air fare of AI now its all above the KF, which only have a less fare compare to AI, you forget to mention the Air Fare. But very useful I'll also try it. Thanks
Rated on sabualex's review
Commented on entally's review
TATA makes the nano for peoples Car but our, moneyeating Gov. should be given some relax in the taxation which are crossing the car above 1 Lakh. Tata made the car but the taxes are to be cut short by the concern Govt auth.
Commented on MayuriSharrma's review
The story I am reading first time so let me check this and will comment afterwords
Commented on Ak_India's review
I like what you have written and belive, by seeing the Marathi programme Pure it Hafta Bandh, thanks for the details given but it will be clear only after you write about the chlorine used is readily available in market and what is the volume to replace when to replace ad cost effectiveess. Other th Read More...
Rated on Ak_India's review
Commented on Ben_pal's review
When ever you want to purchase any costly item, check its cost/model/make/brand/company and after sale service for any eventuality. Also ask the friends/relatives about the output of the item if they are having. Come to MRP, always see MRP along with manufaturing date. Some product are out dated or Read More...
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