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Member Since:Nov 18, 2004
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Education: MBA - Mktg
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Romeo sure paves the way for indian animation
Reviewed Roadside Romeo
He’s smart, he’s cool, he’s stylish, he’s good looking. He’s a dog, and an animated one at that. Meet Romeo, and yes people, he’s way cooler than some of thRead more...
Heroes is good!
Reviewed Heroes
We all think were heroes...until we meet the real ones. The line struck me the moment I saw the promos, and I was looking forward to watching HerRead more...
Reviewed Kismat Konnection
I’m an advertising professional. In a nutshell, my job involves creating perceptions about products and services to make them sell more. I love my job most ofRead more...
Reviewed Taare Zameen Par
Ishaan has a problem - letters and numbers dance in front of his eyes. Result? He cant figure out whether theyre dancing up, or down. Leftways, Read more...
Kyun ya!
Reviewed Saawariya
I love Bollywood. Love its dances, its music, its sometimes inane scripts and the beauty and glamour associated with it. Maybe that explains why I like most BRead more...
Mast, but not paisa vasool
Reviewed Om Shanti Om
The ideal way for me to begin a Diwali is by watching a Shah Rukh Khan flick first thing in the morning. As luck would have it, we managed to get tickets earlRead more...
Maja hi Maja
Reviewed Jab We Met
See now these are the kinda films I miss. Good clean entertainment, whole lot of candyfloss and so much humour that my eyes were watering and my tummy hurt. Read more...
Kabir Khan rocks!
Reviewed Chak De India
Yup. Not Shah Rukh Khan, but its Kabir Khan who takes the cake and stays in your mind as you walk out smiling out of the auditorium after watching Chak Read more...
Harry Potter, the Deathly Hallows and ME
Reviewed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J K Rowling
I just finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows a couple of days ago. And I guess it was a good read ‘cos flashes from the book are still lingering in Read more...
Glad I Jhoomed!
Reviewed Jhoom Barabar Jhoom
Was sitting with my team at work on Friday evening and we were discussing everyone’s weekend plans, when I announced I was going for Jhoom Barabar Jhoom thaRead more...
Reviewed Vivaah
No film has inspired me to write a review for a really long time, simply because they’ve all met my expectations, one way or the other, and my opinion of themRead more...
Super Superhero
Reviewed Krrish
Watching any film, and I mean any film, at Gaiety-Galaxy (Bandra, Mumbai) is a fulfilling experience. Its a typical hindi movie cinema hall (notice the Read more...
Reviewed Mission: Impossible III
Come Friday night and a bunch of us managed to get tickets to an exclusive premiere of Mission Impossible 3 at Mumbais Fame Adlabs, a full ONE WEEK befoRead more...
Reviewed Fanaa
Its been a while since Ive written a review and Id promised myself Id write one on Fanaa, no matter how the film was. I wish I hadnRead more...
Look! It's a Flying Bus
Reviewed Simplifly Deccan
It was the August of 2004 when my brand new husband (and yes, hes been the only one!) and I were going to Goa for our honeymoon. And since both of us geRead more...
Loved this Paheli
Reviewed Paheli
Is it a bird....? Is it a plane....? Is it superman....? Yes, all of the above....and oh! its also a bhoot! Paheli, as we all know, is the story of a Read more...
'D' is Company
Reviewed D
Remember the days when movie gangsters wore white suits with a bright red scarf tucked the collar, a white hat and a gold pipe a la Ajit? Or the era after thaRead more...
No fizz in this bubbly!
Reviewed Bunty Aur Babli
To be honest, I was eagerly awaiting Bunty Aur Babli, especially cos: The promos looked cool The Rani-Abhishek pairing is really sweet My instinct saRead more...
Reviewed Kisna
Id been waiting for this film to hit the theatres, especially since Ive been a fan of Subhash Ghais films (Yaadein and Pardes notwithstandinRead more...
What a 'Vaada Pao' of a movie!
Reviewed Vaada
The promos for Vaada promised a slick racy film that would keep you on the edge of your seat all through. Thankfully, its lived up to this promise. Of cRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on Aarambhh's review
Commented on CilemaSnob's review
Hehehe......interesting review, and I found myself nodding all the way through. ' Rot' is definitely the right word for this one!
Rated on sundaresan.v's review
Commented on tragedyking's review
Really nice review. Simple, and to the point. And one of the few reviews that isn't telling the story of the film and dissecting every scene :).
Followed alk_ranjan
Commented on own review
Here's a question for the people who came away bored 'because of the shaadi focus and lack of story' from a Sooraj Barjatya film. What were you expecting? James Bond kinda action, or maybe a contemporary youth film like RDB? I guess you walked into the wrong film then :).
Hi! I'm sorry, but I beg to differ as far as the 'people like this don't exist today' point goes. I guess you don't come from a background where people choose their brides from small towns and villages, but it happens ALL the time. I myself have a few such friends who are from Mumbai/ Delhi and have Read More...
Followed saqib09
Hi. Integrated that review on Gaiety Galaxy cos it heightened the Kris experience. And well, what's the fun in writing a review on a film if it's not about the whole experience, right? ;-)
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