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Member Since:Oct 13, 2004
0 MS Points
A wandering soul....exploring fascinates me. Understanding the unknown is a passion and living to the hilt is the goal. . Motorcycles, Progressive Rock, Avionics, Sci-fi, Touring, Sports
About Me
Education: Didnt let it ruin me!
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HHML Karizma....Or what it could have been..
Reviewed Hero Honda Karizma
Well yes...I know this review is quite late considering that the bike was launched mid last year 2003. A friend of mine was working with HHML before that and Read more...
Royal Enfield Bullet Electra 2004
Reviewed Bullet Electra
How do you sell something which is more than 50 years old, does not have a fuel efficiency of 100 KMPL and does not go beyond 110 kmph? Ask this to Mr. SiddhaRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on ggvindy's review
Commented on sunilnew65's review
Hi.... Very nicely written review. I am planning to visit switzerland and I would keep your suggestions in mind. Where all in switzerland you visited and how many days sufficed at each location?
Rated on sunilnew65's review
Commented on ruma's review
Hi, first of all, thanks for very informative and nice review. Me and my wife are looking forward to go there and wondering about the stay part. U said something about Chalets at swiss family. Any site which helps in this? And is this a cheaper and better way than hotels?
Rated on ruma's review
Rated on umar1310's review
Rated on sunilks71's review
Rated on ashtrix's review
Commented on ashtrix's review
Hi Ashtrix! Congrats! You must be enjoying your drive everyday! I am a prospective buyer of this car and would like to know the ex-showroom price and discounts available in Bangy. Mr. Mahendrasingh...what does your experience say? Whats the price in Delhi?
Commented on own review
You are absolutely right agneeputra! we bulleteers should take pride in the fact that we follow the avid motorcyclists all over the world who ride for love, not for a reason. For the uninitiated, they can have their iron cages and mopeds.....
Commented on akash_420's review
Akash, your dealer is absolutely correct when he says shortshift gears are better for acceleration. He isnt being an idiot. Google for the term shortshift gears and you will see rally cars using them. My own review will follow soon.
Commented on mbfarookh's review
The way you have dissected the bike and its virtues is commendable. Very useful review indeed. I am yet to see or ride the bike but I will definitely keep your review in mind when I ride it. very useful. Sid.
Rated on mbfarookh's review
Thanks for appreciating mbfarookh....I hope to learn a lot from you as a biker :-) cheers siddharth.
Thanks for analysis. your point is absolutely correct. I probably shoudnt have those names compared with Karizma. After all, they are in a different league althogether. But without that I wouldnt have expert comments, like yours, isnt so? the whole purpose is to talk about it and increase our knowle Read More...
Thank you all people. I really appreciate your comments. 'muthu00' 'jai_coer' and 'azriel' thanks for welcoming me and a pulsar review is on its way soon. Hope that will also be useful.
Thanks for commenting. I am glad you found the review useful.
Commented on Cticize's review
Got me reading this review while I was missing Indore and looking up on internet sitting somewhere in southeast asia. Felt glad to be an Indorian and missed it some more!
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