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Member Since:Aug 09, 2004
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Education: B Tech
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Never ever visit Fortis hospital in Noida!
Reviewed Fortis Healthcare - Sector 62 - Noida
Fortis hospital completely traumatised our life and led to the sad demise of our unborn baby while my wife was 7 1/2 months pregnent. As rightly stated on thRead more...
Maruti Swift - 3 months of ownership!!
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift
Hi pals! This is my second review on Swift! Now since I have owned and driven this car for 3 months now, I can give you a better picture. At first I would liRead more...
Stupid Idol
Reviewed Indian Idol
Chill out Guys! Indian Idol is just another gimmick played by a channel for increasing its TRP ratings and minting money. The Rs 1 Crore contract and a hondaRead more...
Getz or Ikon Flair??
Reviewed Hyundai Getz
Well..... read all other articles about getz with people saying that they have waited for 3-4 months for the car to be launched. But I top the list since I haRead more...
Highest comfort, cheapest price
Reviewed Daewoo Cielo Executive
Well... I have heard lot of comments about this poor car saying that Daewoo company is no more operational, no spare parts avilable, high fuel consumption....Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on manish_rke's review
Rated on sam5360's review
Commented on rejkalsree's review
Hey, I too own a swift VXi (silver) with 600 km done. You are right in stating that the car is super quiet. I actually tried to start the car 2-3 times, just to discover that it is already start. Its a good parctice to look at the RPM metre for that matter in future. The AC, as you said is also quie Read More...
Commented on advivedi's review
I too booked swift VXi on May 29th (Silver color). The dealer promised delivery latest by last week of June. On 1st July, the dealer says it will take another 1-2 months for delivery....... I booked the car in Rohan Motors, Noida. I guess these dealers are eating up the premium of 15-20 k that the s Read More...
Commented on vikashv's review
Well vikashv, it is clearly mentioned in 'mouthshut' rules that copy pasting articles from other sites is not permitted. Perhaps the mouthshut administrator didnt get a note of your article yet. Your account will be blocked and you will be black listed. And for your information, the artilcle you Read More...
Commented on jrahulbaid's review
Hey rahul, I too have booked a swift VXi. Cant wait to get my hands on it. Bt the delivery time is 4 to 6 weeks, the dealer says. Neeways, are you being offered with any discounts?? The on road price, as in noida comes out to be Rs 4,36,000 /- , no discounts! I would say that the car gives you a Read More...
Commented on indiandevil's review
please put your caps off next time you write..The readibility decreases in 'all caps'...
Man! I have an issue with your revu. First you say Lancer is the 'King of the road'. Then you do not recommend Lancer. Wow! By the way , whats your profession??????? First you raced Yamaha RX100 against Pulsar 180, suppositly outside city conditions, in yourother revu. Then you raced esteem against Read More...
Commented on esteem69's review
Hey pal, how come you bought a cielo when you are 'Esteem'69...... just joking. Ne'ways, did u see my review on cielo?? I too own a 96 model cielo in excellent condition. I just love the way it runs.. It simply glides on smooth roads at speeds over 120 kmph and feels so relaxed. You are right in Read More...
Commented on own review
hi digitalid2000, I totally support your opinion about Accent. At more than 90 BHP its a very powerfull and value for money car. I personally dont want to buy it cos' there are too many Accents in my relatives. So I wanted something different. One small issue I had with Accent is that you cannot Read More...
try using speed or any other high octane petrol. The average shall improve by minimum 2-3 kmpl.
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