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Member Since:Nov 16, 2016
120 MS Points
About Me
Education: post graduation
Food and Drinks: South indian and north indianBooks: Science and technolology, political and economicsMovie Stars: DocumentaryT.V. Shows: GeneralMusic: classical
Food and Drinks: South indian and north indian
Books: Science and technolology, political and economics
Movie Stars: Documentary
T.V. Shows: General
Music: classical
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Choice to choose
Reviewed Mahindrafirstchoice
I have to share my personnel good experience with Mahindra first choice multi brand service, I usally give service of my car near by service centers, in couplRead more...
A taste to remember
Reviewed Priya Pickles
I have been habitual to take pickle as on of the part in my meals, due to this I regularly buy the pickles among the brand am la pickle brand is my trusted brRead more...
A free service does not meet it expected value
Reviewed Reliance Jio
I have taken gio sim last two months back after struggling and crossing heavy q lines some how in the beginning it worked good, but after that it could not coRead more...
A warm up drink
Reviewed MTR Mixed Vegetable Soup
I have been tried other products of MTR brand but few days back first time I have purchased mixed vegetable soup of mtr.It is the trusted customer brand, we cRead more...
Chase your journey
Reviewed Honda CB Unicorn 150
In among 150cc bikes it is best bike as per my experience, I have been ride this bike in many different road conditions it has never failed it may be hill roaRead more...
Bite to taste
Reviewed Britannia Good Day Chocochips
I saw few days back of entry level pack of Rs 10 of good day choco chips, before that I had seen bigger pack of choco chip biscuits of Britannia but I have noRead more...
Not to taste
Reviewed Parle Magix
I have been tried of parle magix cream more then twice but it taste as to digest compare other parle products this is not up to the mark even though its entryRead more...
Its a unrealistic movie
Reviewed Dhruva
I can say that after saw a trailer that its a hero oriented movie nothing behind that its only a praising movement showing a hero in trailer how is my gym bodRead more...
A true bathing soap
Reviewed Medimix Soap
I would like say this is one of the my trusted product whenever I read word Ayurveda I remember the medimix soap the main thing is the fragrance of the soap wRead more...
A melting bscuit
Reviewed Parle Monaco Biscuits
This is one of the best product from parle from many decades, I have been using this product from my childhood because the main attraction is salt flavour we Read more...
A good friend in digital life
Reviewed Hathway Digital Cable TV
I have been using hathway connection in my tv, I can say confidentially that hatway has good quality output in their services. The support service team is givRead more...
Tea time biscuit
Reviewed Britannia Top Biscuits
This time start a day with britania top biscuit its a butter type biscuit, its not sugar type u regular try.This biscuit has good butter aroma just once u catRead more...
Your best friend of safar
Reviewed Honda Shine 125
If u r looking to buy a bike in 125 cc segment, then u can go for honda shine 125cc is the best bike suitable for your needs.It is 4 stroke bike it specficatiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on abdulhafees375's review
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Rated on naveengautam623's review
Commented on sandeepchauhanice's review
yes u shared your experience and dont calm down it may repeat with others also u should create a benchmark your case in icici...go further for your justice u have right to get justice dont be calm. Regards skkavila
Commented on ankur233yadav's review
yes i agree some of online sites have this problems
Commented on ArjDhr1994's review
its sad to hear about our Indian universities
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