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Member Since:Apr 06, 2010
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The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on ucpatnaik's review
Yes dragging to court is time consuming and expensive. What we can do is propagate the fraud of the dealers and educate the consumers not to fall on prey to this guys. Chevy is ofcourse a good vehicle. But the dealers are making it a failure. Good if GM throws attention on it
Commented on lotus56's review
If that is the case, register your complaint thru mail in this mail id - complaints@core.nic.in This is under the minsitry of comsumer affairs. You can also register your complaint in this web address http://www.ccccore.co.in/
sir, Pls forward your complaint to GM through email. defenitly they will solve your porblme I hope
Commented on rohk's review
Very honest review. Just Like you I also done lot of home work and faces sames issues. But finally I purchased it in January 2010. As of now my chevy covered a distance of 6700 kms. It is really amazing and I love the car. Surptrisingly no body realizes its value. Mileage is little low. I am getting Read More...
Commented on hardy83's review
Sir, finally I got a reply from GM. The information given by gm are not exact. They did'nt mentioned how many liters of petrol remains in the tank. Their reply is as follows Please find the details below: Indication in Fuel Gauge Bar Graph Condition 1st Bar Symbol Flashing Rapidly (2 Hz) Em Read More...
Rated on Jeej123's review
Commented on Jeej123's review
Very good review. Kindly update after your 5000 kms service. A piller obstacle is really a problem in spark.
Sir I have also same questions. Servicemen are not clear to answer this question. tried to mail gm but no response !!!
Commented on Dush27's review
very good feed back from a consumer for GM. One of the major set back for GM car’s is it’s poor service dealers. Moreover GM is not keeping a good custmerr relation with its users. GM should develop a system to interact directly with the users/consumers bypassing the dealer. It is the dealer’s be Read More...
Commented on dkcmhpv's review
congrats, enjoy your spark. expecting more reviews of your car and after sales service
Rated on dkcmhpv's review
Rated on uskonkankar's review
Commented on pradeepkumar110's review
Mr Pradeep, Kindly contact the GM people directly thru mail in this mail id to get rid of the problem. The dealers are intrested in selling the car only. Not only chevy all car dealers are same in this aspect. Only the dealer matters
Commented on krikah's review
My Spark has also the same problem. I overcome by putting a black cloth over the dashboard on driver side. I do not know whether any cusom made dash board cover is available for Spark. Putting windscreen film also reduces the reflection problem
Commented on ckldel's review
Most sadening fact is that GM people do not respond to emails from customers. It is very bad. I also contacted through mail but all in vein. Unless GM improves its customer relations the company can not run long
Pls put this complaint before the GM. I dont think they will do anything favourably to you. GM is very bad in responding to the emails
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