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Member Since:Oct 06, 2015
61 MS Points
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A movie on proper way to lose weight.......
Reviewed Size Zero
First half of the movie was damn boring, couldnt digest it seeing Anuskha as a lazy and overeating girl. Director has portrayed Anushka as a irregular gRead more...
It is going to be 3 years
Reviewed Apple MacBook Pro
In 2012 I have purchased this MacBook Pro, an awesome machine which never ever hangs give no trouble at all. Much reliable at all times. Microsoft office suitRead more...
Hope this series ends.....
Reviewed The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2
A new story where two teenagers from random from various districts would be selected and are forced to play the deadly game, The Hunger Games. CinematographyRead more...
Portraying a movie holistically!
Reviewed Kanche
I want to take this opportunity to commend the director of the movie Kanche. It was well portrayed to show dissimilarities in a small village in India and comRead more...
Beauty in all it is...
Reviewed Micromax Canvas Sliver 5
Wonderful and stylish phone to have for INR 15000. It is as slim as a two credit cards placed vertically and the beauty in 5.1mm thickness. Hats-off to MicroRead more...
Make sure of your Job role in ValueLabs
Reviewed ValueLabs
I was recruited for a Sales position but later on when the sales were saturated, they pushed me to a different job role. The new position was not that great aRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on own review
Hi @sunjay_mittal now HR department is under different leadership... Good initiatives are implemented...
How was CEO of ValueLabs when you are working there? @sunjay_mittal
Commented on 10yrs_withVL's review
@sunjay_mittal there was no assumptions at all in my comment, it is clearly visible to anyone who ever visits your mouthshut profile that right from reviewing Valuelabs in 2010 to present, you only have activity related to Valuelabs.
I understand all the comments from @sunjay.mittal are exclusively for ValueLabs. I could see by visiting his profile, there was not any other activity recorded apart from commenting for ValueLabs positive and negative reviews. I understand someone from ValueLabs has badly hurt @sunjay.mittal and Read More...
Rated on satyarh589's review
Rated on ambikasrivastava's review
Commented on ambikasrivastava's review
I haven't had these kind of issues with paytm. Try to find the name of the person who has received the money. Try and see if he would have done the fruad
Rated on rashmibibek's review
Followed kalki2305
Commented on kalki2305's review
@kalki2305 Even I had suffered when I was not a billable resource...but now It been a while in my new role... seems my manager is good....hope this joy of work continues with the prosperity of ValueLabs
Rated on ajaydisha's review
Commented on ravithejarockzz's review
@sunjay.mittal You are right my friend..... HR guys chase for our names.... @ravithejarockzz If you are still working in Valuelabs, dont give your name and contact details coz in any company, HR department is the worst one...
Hey man, I think we are on the same page and by the way Krishna Reddy is no more a HR head. Lets see whether my joy diminishes or not, but my Manger seems good for now, anyway let see whether I would be happy all the time or not.
I know that you are from ValueLabs HR department and waiting to know my name. But my HRBP has already solved my problem and placed me in a different job role, with good hike as well. There is no use for you to engage here. And Don't ever bad mouth VaLueLabs, it is the organization which is giving yo Read More...
Commented on prasadsewag's review
Mee too same .... looking forward for the release in India.
Rated on prasadsewag's review
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