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Member Since:Oct 11, 2006
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Xeta after 1st service
Reviewed Tata Indica V2 Xeta
My xeta is 6 months old bought it on nov 1 2006, (xeta GLG)my xeta is to give me around 16-17 km/l on highways w/AC, and it was very smooth without more noiseRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on srs_rocker's review
Hi SRS_rocker, I bought this phone one month back, and i too love this phone, but please let me know the secret u said about,
Commented on nishant000_in's review
Hi nishanth, excellent review, i was planning to buy this phone but was in 2 minds, after going thru ur review i have decided to buy this, maybe this weekend, can u suggest me which one to go with normal or premium, as per MS reviews, snoo is not of that much use.... srinath
Rated on nishant000_in's review
Commented on dipanjan00's review
Concorde is worst service center i believe, they dont have good customer relations, they make customers to wait without responding properly, and above that they wont service correctly for the customers problem
Hello dipanjan, I have xeta glg nov 2006, bought from concorde motors bangalore everything was fine until 1st service, i had tp pay 2500 for first service, and above that service was not good, there is suspension problem, AC panel damaged by music system fixing. and now i have a jerk when ri Read More...
Rated on jaymallya_banerjee's review
Commented on own review
Hi supergps Thanks for the information, next time onwards i wont leave for service @ concorde
Hi upendra, did they add any additives to the engine oil, they didnt tell me anything abt this and when i got the bill i asked abt it and they said oil shld be mixed with the additive. but i have no idea abt this
oil change 600, + oil additive 500, wheel balancing 200, interior cleaning (shampoo cleaning but not cleaned properly think they didnt use shampoo) 700, + vat.....totally 2400 and i did my service at concorde motors
Commented on gmadhu_71's review
As i said i had taken my car to the service center, they checked for the sound and said this sound is head hitting the tappet, and this is how it works and again the person took for test drive and said this is not a problem this sound comes in all vehicles this is bcoz burning of fuel in catalytic Read More...
Hi madhu, thanks for ur advice, i will take my car for casual check on saturday, as i am free only on weekends, and i take out my car only on weekends, i will update you, once i get it checked, and surely will write to you if i need any information, once again thanks for ur advice
Hi madhu, thanks for the good review even mine is 1 month and 12 days old and i have done with 800 kms, last week i had taken to mysore and covered 500 kms my xeta gave me around 17km/lt, and engine heating indicator was very much below the half mark, now my engine makes some sound like a di Read More...
Commented on shyamfortata's review
Hi all, my xeta 1.4 is 1 month and 10 days old, since saturday i had run only 200 kms (since i use it only on weekends), but this saturday i took it to mysore, and drove 500 kms, i was used to its sound every thing, but in mysore my friends test drove it and said it makes noise (they too have maru Read More...
Commented on Ajay_1977's review
Hi kraa U have posted a very useful review, which explains different feautures of Xeta. u r getting a very good mileage of 12 kms in city and 17 in highway, thats very good, my xeta is only 20 days old and i get only 7-8 kms in city that too witout AC, i have not checked in highway can Read More...
Rated on Ajay_1977's review
Commented on agnelrajiv's review
Hi Rajiv, Can you tell me about teflon coating, many says teflon coating is very much recommended, what is the advantage of having teflon coated, will it be helpful in any ways, if yes in what ways it costs 2700, and i thought no need for teflon coating, if anybody please can give the Read More...
Commented on arunp_r's review
Hi Robin these Ad's are just a catch to attract customers, only discount getting is 20k Prerana had Advertised that cash discount of 20k + Seat covers +Accessories + free insurance but free insurance is included in the 20k cash discount, this was only a catch and below this they put conditi Read More...
Hi roshan thanks, i had this doubt bcoz all other cars has got first service after 1 month
Hello can anybody tell, is the first service for xeta after 6 months or 5500kms, bcoz all other cars first service is after 1 month, I was offered a service coupons from my dealer concorde motors that is at 6 months or 5500 kms whichever is earlier thanks in advance
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