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Member Since:Jan 20, 2005
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Education: MTech
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Best Music of 2006
Reviewed Baabul Songs
DO you remember Baghbaan? Its music which was completely fresh with all tracks different and soulfull. This year the same team are coming with another sRead more...
Jokers Begin the Chase!
Reviewed Don: The Chase Begins Again
Coming out of cinema hall after watching the "new " , and most of us looked like labourers coming out of some mine after doing some great job ... bearing 2:45Read more...
Best of the Best
Reviewed Ten Best Movies of Amitabh Bachchan
My choice for the must watch Amitabh bachchans movies are from all genre action, romance, art and serious movies. The man whose name has became to synonRead more...
Most Horrible Movie of Year 2006
Reviewed Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna
You purchase Rs 150/- ticket with your friends, wait with huge crowd for 50 minutes more than usual and when you come out of the multiplex, you regret this acRead more...
The Gentle Power Bike
Reviewed TVS Suzuki Fiero FX
This is a very sensitive issue, commenting over the bike performance, where many owners are of different bikes. I must make it clear that the follRead more...
Again a National Award
Reviewed Apharan
Those who watch movies, those who watch rarely, those who watch just funky movies and those who watch meaningful movies.....this movie will appeal to all clasRead more...
Among the Best family Movies
Reviewed Viruddh - Bollywood
I am amazed to see how peoples are ignorant about such a good movie, which I have got reasons to count among the best family movies upto this date. Box officRead more...
Sarkar: Ultimacy Redefined
Reviewed Sarkar
He braths, so the city, he turns so the city...he is a charmer, he is pied piper, he is the man how is loved by all, and he is the man who is Sarkar! Anyone cRead more...
Miss it, and you'll regret!
Reviewed Black - Bollywood
Today watched this eagerly awaited movie. And I would love to write about it. Since peoples are different attitutdes and mind, I will comment accordingly. TRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on shalu_81's review
Commented on shalu_81's review
Seems a list by some mentally retarded person.
Rated on amit2992's review
Rated on amgu's review
Commented on a2zanup's review
my points for speaking the truth. I am just comng out after getting pissed off with this remake.
Rated on a2zanup's review
Commented on pankajkadel's review
Have u seen ever any cult classic friend?
Rated on pankajkadel's review
Rated on fenil_seta's review
Commented on fenil_seta's review
Guru this time I don't feel I agree wtih your review. This movie looked drag to me and certainly incomparable to the original classic, which if u watch even today would make you fan of it. And Hritihik Looks like a Bachcha in the role of Bachchan's Vijay Chauhan. There is only one Vijay Dinanath Cha Read More...
Rated on mohit_midda's review
Commented on mohit_midda's review
After seeing its loud promo and songs like chikni chameli iam damn sure that this one is not going to have even 1% character of the original classic. Its looking like a joke..and more joke is your review here with 4 stars..when the movie is yet to release!!!
Rated on chatpati's review
Commented on chatpati's review
An out and out insane and pathetic review. Seems mouthshut has been covered by crappy writers. This is lesser are review more a bashing against Amitabh by some insecure Khan fan. She calls Chini KUm like excellent movie a crap. She call for retirement of Bachchan who consecutively won two naitonal a Read More...
Rated on gannykool's review
Commented on Paulsb02's review
Kya bekar review likhta hai yaar. PR pe aapni ratings maintain kar ke chal rahe hain star writers in mouthshut, it seems. Chamche paalo aur VU rating lo! This u call a review?
Rated on Paulsb02's review
I see how a good reviewer turns into a bookish reviewer. Paul it is one of the most immature reviews written by you. Just compare your early days writing and nowdays. Your reviews have become more about jargon of confiscated words where you seem more confused. Rajneeti is a movie which none can stop Read More...
Commented on srininet1's review
Masoon, Anjali, Kaash...all of these three you have listed. They were classics at their time. But you yourself agree that all of them had same storyline. When you are content with 4 such good movies in this line then I really don't understand your logic behind discontention with Paa, which you tell Read More...
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