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Member Since:Sep 23, 2003
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Yet another guy. Reading, Movies, Gardens, Pets, Travel, Photography
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Education: M.C.A.
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Great Place for good moments
Reviewed Barbeque Nation - Indiranagar - Bangalore
Honestly it was a long time plan to visit there with good friends. We went to the Koramangala branch in Bangalore. There were plenty of place to park the car Read more...
Good service, needs install & technical support
Reviewed Tata Indicom WiMAX
I got it mainly because I was completely disappointed with BSNLs techical support and service. The third party contractors that Tata Indicom had hired cRead more...
Very nice ambience and service, but average food
Reviewed Roomali With A View - Indiranagar - Bangalore
This is about the Roomali with a view on the 100ft road, Indra nagar of Bangalore. Well I went there on a saturyday evening with family. We were six of us. ExRead more...
A Class Phone with scope for lot of improvement
Reviewed HTC Touch P3450
HTC Touch is a simple, elegant, light windows phone with all basic phone, PDA and touch phone features. I will NOT compare HTC ‘Touch’ with iPod. First thingRead more...
BSNL Broadband is quite good as long as it works
Reviewed BSNL Dataone Broadband Service
BSNL Broadband is GOOD as long as it works. What I mean by GOOD is good bandwidth, seemless downloads, and unlimited(my plan). What I mean by as long as it woRead more...
Somethings never change
Reviewed BSNL
I wanted to write my review, and happen to see the previous review on BSNL. I wonder whether the person is a BSNL employee. I registered for a DOT Landline coRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
Another issue I face and hear from my friends with HTC phones is that when the phone is busy handling games, gprs etc you will miss the calls. And there wont be a missed call in call history! Serious Problem. Now I had installed twitter, facebook, gmail, google maps, etc. It is really cool. check Read More...
Yesu, HTC Touch Flow is single point. iPone is multi-touch. you can put multiple fingers and use all of them at same time on screen. that wont happen on HTC Touch. Check out youtube it will be a lot easy to understand
Commented on shalini_Msc's review
I feel sorry for you! The so called wealth manager met me last saturday. I just realized that he is more keen in selling a 'Product' that will give me long term life insurance + guaranteed capital + guaranteed 3% returns + (6% to 10%) market returns depending on economy + Tax savings! I was flattere Read More...
After two and a half month of struggle I visited BSNL Indranagar 80-ft road exchange building. I gave two letters in written. One to get my 1000 ruppees/month bill rebated as I did not use the service for two months. The second one to swtich to 250 rupees/month so that I can reduce my monthly loss. Read More...
Basically Indians have this enormous generosity to excuse themselves for all their imperfection. Well I am fed up with BSNL Braodband. They are indifferent and charge the bill with no sense. They DONT even have an automation NOT to charge thier customer when they already know the net is not working Read More...
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Ashu Tosh Kumar (@ASHUkr2063MouthShut Verified Member)
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subash2025638 (@subash2025638MouthShut Verified Member)
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ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
Pankaj Kumar (@Pankaj0432MouthShut Verified Member)