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Member Since:Nov 04, 2008
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Director has lost track
Reviewed Uttaran
I have been watching this serial since day one but now dont feel like. Initially when it started it was totally a different track and that was the reasRead more...
A very very meaningful serial
Reviewed Balika Vadhu
I have joined MS today itself to write a review especially on Balika Vadhu cause I want to convey alll those serial makers who always show the evil winning anRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on snighdha's review
Commented on franklysinaatra's review
Colors should take some social responsibility. Why do serials always show the BAD ones get away with everything and the GOOD ones always suffering and adjusting and crying. VERY WRONG MESSAGE FOR THE YOUTH (THE TOMORROW OF INDIA).
Commented on sainineeti's review
Sainineeti, Your review is very well explained and I truly enjoyed reading it. But you know sainineeti that some people do not want to accept the facts/reality. Yes, I truly agree that karma lack brains. Karma, instead of advising others to stop using abusive language first apply the same on y Read More...
Commented on own review
Dear Karma, You really don't seem to understand the depth of the matter/serial & so your opinion/review doesn't really matter to anyone. Bye :)
Commented on karmaCola's review
Hi, again karma!!! You seem to be in great anger with this serial. All your reviews are so rude and harsh. You have an opinion and so do others so why get irritated. The two lines shown in the end show that child marriages should not be practiced. The serial shows the plight of women and you bei Read More...
Karma, you are totally unaware about the interiors of India. Child marriage, Sati etc. are still being practiced in India. This serial NO WAY promotes child marriage. If u see the serial, there is a written message at the end of every serial which conveys that child marriage is wrong. This is Read More...
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