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Member Since:Mar 19, 2002
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Education: MA (SW); MBA
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Pathetic Mileage
Reviewed Tata Nano
I own a Nano LX model(Sunshine Yellow) purchased at Chennai on 9th November 2009. I have been using this car for the past 4+ months and have covered around 18Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on sriviswa's review
Commented on rajengineer's review
To : Indianwebmaster : Good Question : One thing i would like to know is why some nano give 10 kmpl mileage and some give 21 plus ? It is quite apparent that Tata Motors is remaining absolutely silent on this crucial issue because they are well aware that they have managed to sell off some Read More...
From the several posts that we see on portals like mouthshut etc. it is very obvious that there are Nano cars which give an excellent mileage of 21 Kms per litre in city traffic with the AC on and there are also Nano cars which give a pathetic mileage of 10.5 Kms per litre in city traffic with the A Read More...
Commented on KineticLaserGF170 's review
Excellent review. I am rather intrigued to note that your Nano is giving you 20 Km per litre wheras my Nano LX is giving me only 10.5 Kms per litre wih A/C in peak time city traffic at Chennai. Tata Motors personnel have tested driven my car along with a Plant Testing Team and have orally confi Read More...
Commented on swethadhry's review
I am completely at a loss to figure out the logic behind the vision with which the Tata Nano has been introduced. The Nano is being positioned as an ideal car for all two wheeler owners who would want to upgrade to a four wheeler. How on earth will any two wheeler rider who is used to getting mi Read More...
Commented on vikram_g's review
This poor mileage problem is something that I have been pointing out all along. My Nano LX which is exactly one year old (purchased it on 9th November 2009) is consistently giving me a mileage of just 10.5 Kms per litre for the past one year. Just imagine the number of litres of petrol I would Read More...
Commented on own review
There have been absolutely contradictory reviews about the mileage of the Tata Nano on portals like Cardheko and Mouthshut. While some Nano owners have written that they are getting an excellent mileage of 21 Km per litre in City Traffic with the AC on there are other Nano owners who have written th Read More...
Commented on Zoremi's review
At the outset thank you for responding to my review. It is great to hear that a Nano is capable of giving 21 Km per litre in City Traffic. However, my Nano is giving me just 10.5 Kms per litre i.e. exactly half the mileage that you are getting in City Traffic. Obviously there is something Read More...
Rated on ishanc's review
Commented on feedback444's review
Apart from your observations, there is also the crucial issue of very poor mileage of just 10.5 Kmpl. I have tested my Nano on six consecutive occasions and each time the mileage obtained was around 10.5 Kmpl I have sent any number of mails to Tata Motors but they are just not willing to accept that Read More...
Commented on 8maruti's review
This Nano LX owner has clearly mentioned that his Nano gives him a mileage of 20 Kms per litre in the city with AC and 24 Kms per litre on the highway with AC. However, my Nano LX is giving me only 10.5 Kms per litre in the city traffic with AC i.e just 50% of the mileage given by another Nano. Ca Read More...
Commented on aravindhan1985's review
The fuel average of Tata Nano is very very poor. I own a Nano LX and after driving it for around for more than six months and around 3000 Kms I can boldly confirm that the Tata Nano gives only 10.5 Kms per litre which is pathetic. I have enough rock solid data to prove this. I have sent any number o Read More...
Rated on bhavkalra's review
You are right. Though the upfront cost is low and engine capacity is just 624 cc the fuel cost is comparatively high. It is more or less similar to other midsize cars. I have bought the Nano only on the basis of the following article which appeared in the media on 10th April 2009. Tata Nan Read More...
Commented on Indian_Common_Man's review
Some Nano owners who have posted their review have mentioned that the car is fuel efficient. In fact it is stated to be the most fuel efficient car in India - pls see the article appended below : Tata Nano is the most fuel-efficient car in India Friday, April 10, 2009, 9:26 The Automobile R Read More...
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