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Member Since:Mar 25, 2009
0 MS Points
Truly suffering from wanderlust... Travel, Photography, reading, writing
About Me
Education: Post Doctoral
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Volkswagen Polo Highline 1.2 TDI
Reviewed Volkswagen Polo
I booked Volkswagen Polo from Viraj Automobiles Noida on 14 Jul 13. There was an attractive scheme on the car that included three years of silver mainteRead more...
Will write day by day how it goes!!!
Reviewed Health Sanctuary - Delhi
I saw the advertisement in newspaper and was curious to know about their program. I called up the Noida centre. The lady who answered my call seemed positive Read more...
A wonderful peice of machinery!!
Reviewed Yezdi CL II
Being an avid biker, I chanced upon this bike at some village and could not resist the temptation to resore it. Finding a right mechanic was a tough job, howeRead more...
Reviewed Mapmyindia
Yesterday I bought mapmyindia ZX 250 for rs 12, 800/- only (Yes its on 20% discount, and these people are reluctant to offer you unless you insist). The salesRead more...
Corbett Safari...(Dos and Don'ts)
Reviewed Jim Corbett National Park
Just visited Corbett national park, hence writing a review for the fellow readers to know what to expect. The park has three entry gates:- BIJRANI / JHIRNA /Read more...
Xperia X 10 Could have some additional features
Reviewed Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro
I just bought an Xperia X 10 and was happy with its host of features and android software, Its GPS related software are very nice and convenient to use, especRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on own review
@ykab, as it turns out (based on net reviews), Dezire is definitely the best diesel car with value for money. Polo, it seems has more snooty value. So choice is yours! You may like to consider I20 also. However, I urge you to check the reviews before you take any decision.
Please beware of hidden charges that the salesman conveniently forgets to point out. I was under the impression that maintenance is free for three years as mentioned in the advertisement. As it turns out, I have to pay Rs 770/- over and above the EMI. I was furious about this lack of professionalism Read More...
Rated on Puspenjit's review
Rated on ToughGuy1111's review
Rated on anuragtraining's review
Rated on venurajagopal's review
Commented on sparkpluggin's review
How do I deal with the starting problem of my Yezdi CL II 250, 1981 model? Ant tips / suggestions?
Rated on harikri13's review
Commented on harikri13's review
Thanks buddy for a nice review. It is helping me to decide not to go in for Duster as I cannot tolerate unprofessional customer service.
Rated on anilkool606's review
Hey Amar, I can only say that the staff is good and they try their best to make you loose your tummy. I my case, lot of sessions were given but I did not get the desired results even after diet control. May be because, it is practically impossible to loose weight / fat from a specific area (I am a d Read More...
Alright, so my first session (I shall call it 0 session) is over. I reached the centre at 6:45 PM. The slimming centre was busy with another client, so the manager was sweet enough to offer me a trial of microwave lifting for my double chin. I agreed. I was taken upstairs and this guy gave me full o Read More...
Rated on amit_usa7's review
Commented on sarathsekhar's review
Great review buddy, I am trying to restore my 1981 model yezdi CL II. The problem is a good mechanic. I have finally been able to get it in runing condition, yest some parts are still required. But Yes yezdi is an addicition.
Rated on sarathsekhar's review
Rated on ajoyroy's review
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Sathish Sk (@sathishk1992MouthShut Verified Member)
Dr Maan Physiocare (@drmaanphysiocareMouthShut Verified Member)
JAK WATSON (@jakwatson205MouthShut Verified Member)
Nisheeth Tak (@nisheethtakMouthShut Verified Member)
Mandeep Singh (@OMX_3388MouthShut Verified Member)
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