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Member Since:May 18, 2012
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Thanks CV for refunding the entire Membership fee
Reviewed Country Vacations - Hyderabad
I am happy to inform you all that I have been able to get a refund for the entire amount that I have paid as membership fee Read more...
A fraud called Country Club !
Reviewed Country Club Amrutha Castle - Hyderabad
This gives me a great distress to note that despite the tremendous development we have been seeing in india, there are still some very high profile organizatiRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
Like us on our Facebook page and expose the frauds https://www.facebook.com/countryvacationscheats
CV keeps complaining to WordPress about my blog , due to which I am forced to change my blog address frequently. For now, the current blogs are: http://countryvacationscheat.blogspot.in/ - You will find a detailed process by which you can get refund. https://countryvacationscheat.wordpress.com - Read More...
Rated on PooPratcy's review
@Srinivas - already posted reply for you queries in my blog. @cooldude474 - In the last 2 months , I must have interacted with more than 50 people and all have -ve feeling towards CV. You are the only one with a +ve bias towards CV. If you are really genuine, well all I can say is you are one he Read More...
Commented on pavan31121982's review
Please read my blog wherein I explained the process for getting the refund http://iamalazywriter.wordpress.com/2012/08/18/how-i-got-bank-my-back-my-money-from-country-vacations/
Commented on cooldude474's review
This should help you! http://iamalazywriter.wordpress.com/2012/08/18/how-i-got-bank-my-back-my-money-from-country-vacations/
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