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Member Since:Nov 21, 2009
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Lacks Stability, Safety and Reliability
Reviewed Tata Sumo Grande
I am at a stage where I dont know if I should write the reality of this car or just throw some bluff news about it. Well, Realistically! I had a reallyRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on srchandra's review
Followed srchandra
Commented on Dureha's review
Hi Avanish, Unfortunately, this model is not safe enough. My advise to you is do not drive more than 65-75 kmph speed as it has design issues in it. It is just your good time, that you have not seen any issue yet. But Be careful when you drive higher speeds with family members in it. Please read Read More...
Commented on ajain_blore's review
Anurag, TATA SUMO GRANDE is an obsolete product in terms of Stability, Safety and Comfort. If you are looking for these features then I'd say you are like me who experienced major issue with the car. Infact, I went back and read through the entire design specifications of the car and they al Read More...
Rated on ajain_blore's review
Commented on pranayshukla545's review
Hi Pranay, This is Umesh from California. I have put my review for the SUMO Grande on this site and noticed that you agree with the problems we have with this stupid junk vehicle. I trust you with that. You must have noticed that TATA has changed the vehicle to MXII version and they replaced Read More...
Rated on pranayshukla545's review
Commented on own review
Sannidanam, Doesn't matter what you think. If you have the Sumo Grande, you will notice the issues I mentioned, if not today but some other day. It depends on who is writing the review in here. It wouldn't make sense to me, spending time to write a review to attract the audience. Having a good e Read More...
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