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Member Since:Feb 24, 2016
112 MS Points
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When I hold
Reviewed Vivo V1
When I hold the smartphone for the first time and it feel slightly heavier than it actually is and thats a good thing.on the first time the smartphone fRead more...
Indus Ind bank relives you
Reviewed IndusInd Bank
Indus Ind bank relives you of the long wait at bank queues for making credit card payments. Writing cheques or getting demand drafts written and all those stuRead more...
I Don't think products are orginal
Reviewed Shopclues
I saw that there is Re1 sale on shopclues when I started buying the entire experience was very bad to say the least. The website is not user friendly at all Read more...
Stretch too much on every Jokes
Reviewed Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah
Just because TMKOC stretch too much on every jokes my new favorite is bhabiji Ghar par hain. I enjoy more and more as unique comical look at the desires of mRead more...
Snapdeal has three times many like as flipkart
Reviewed Snapdeal
Snapdeal focuses on welcoming as many people in as possible and believe in become stronger its economy with numbers. Snapdeal acquired a series of startups tRead more...
As Compair to Dell
Reviewed HCL Laptops
Now HCL is not so popular as compared to Dell, what ever the reason may be but HCL laptops are always my personal favorite financially and configurationRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed IndusIndBank
Commented on mstf_1's review
I completely satisfy with service
Commented on Accontvcsdv's review
As compared to other networks airtel is expensive
Commented on rohanchaudhary's review
Speed is good but consistency problem particularly in odisha
Rated on sj74871996's review
Commented on fazal_fazzu77's review
I never heard the name before
Commented on MOHIT2060's review
Service is so worst in odisha
Commented on drbmaitra's review
Which one is best between hitachi n Lloyd
Commented on santoshkumarpatel1's review
It just talk to wind
Commented on swarnimmandloi's review
Commented on akkisarge128's review
I like dukes sporty look
Commented on mooreshwar123's review
Its really working
Commented on solitudelad's review
Monthly small package not available
Rated on sk144494's review
Rated on sachinbande08's review
Commented on sachinbande08's review
I personally missing the show
Commented on prakashsoni195's review
Replacing of catriz Is costly
Commented on suriyaroopam's review
It actually a useful review
Rated on suriyaroopam's review
Commented on soman07's review
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