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Member Since:Sep 24, 2010
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My matiz mpfi which made maruti make mpfi engines
Reviewed Daewoo Matiz
It was the first car that made engines with mpfi systems to fire up the engine.and after this only did the carmaker giant introduced this kind of fuel system Read more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on Rup_007's article
Great going pupam ji Very good of u not just to give blood but heiping that hungry guy was a very huMANly act. Never ever change for the worse. As of the city, its hell out there.thanks for Inviting me rupam ji Mohan da
Commented on Siddhartth's review
Excellen veeru bhai, you have done a good research about the scooter that's whay the review exceeds limits, i really had a good read just like most of your previous one, keep up the good job buddy. Mohan da
Rated on Siddhartth's review
Commented on Siddhartth's article
@viru_vru i just saw your video and you happen to be an unicorn1950,right? she is a darling,and u have a sweet fatherly voice man!!!! looks like you and @saucap are having a very good friendship here on MS enjoy it kiddo ........ and yes you scared the hell out of me after i saw both the vi Read More...
@viru well well well what do we have here,veeru''s having an FD !!!!!!!!!!!!! looks like it was your anger against the MS management that made this love able diary of yours an belated FD,i really found your diary a very touching and a sorrowful affair, please give my regards to your family and ma Read More...
looks like my veeru has shot the bulls eye,very incredible review and too an exhaustive one, its just through bulletin you didn't mentioned the address so i had to found out this page on my own. best wishes Mohan
good review viru and very frank wether the company or the site, i am with you on this,these people do so,i have not seen you angry without a reason,otherwise i found cool and nice always keep writing and dont care much about people ''kuch tho log kahenge,logo ka kaam hai kehna''
Commented on GEETA1963's article
nice share yours is deepa ji you are very right,nice post
LET ME LIVE................................LOL!!!!
Commented on canurag_delta's article
very right you are thanks man , i also went in this kind of trouble many times
dont repair out ur m800 from local roadside mechanics
Commented on catscan's review
nice review, congrats for the ROTD
@Siddhartth this is surely one of the best buddy,i really liked the movie as well, keep penning more such stuff
Rated on canurag_delta's review
Rated on chandraasapu's review
Rated on silvercloud64's review
Commented on vijaymb's article
good one congratulation for the FD
I don’t want my little angel to grow up.
Commented on kiranso123's review
these people loot a lot,can not be trusted
Rated on kiranso123's review
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Saloni Jagtani (@salonijagtani23MouthShut Verified Member)
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Amrendra N Srivastava (@Amar786iMouthShut Verified Member)
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Amit Kumar (@akumar11415MouthShut Verified Member)
Kaif Ajmi (@kaifajmi1MouthShut Verified Member)
Shilpa Gupta (@shilpagupta6798MouthShut Verified Member)
Dhiru Bole (@boledhiruMouthShut Verified Member)
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Abhishek Dutta (@dutta1607MouthShut Verified Member)
Vaibhav Vaishal (@vaibhavvaishalMouthShut Verified Member)
Ramanand Anand (@ramajnv03MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 62