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Member Since:Apr 05, 2011
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Tonsils - Dr Ravi Viswanathan
Reviewed AVM Medical ENT Research Foundation - Mylapore - Chennai
My Name is Vijay. I visited this hospital ( Dr Ravi Viswanathan ) 2 months back ( Apr 2011). I came to know about this hospital thru Dinakaran-tamil daily papRead more...
So far so good
Reviewed PNB MetLife Life Insurance
My requirement: Iam Vijay aged 29. I was looking for a pure term plan as I didnt wanted to mix insurance and investment. I wanted the SI to be ~ 50 L fRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on miracles4all's review
we will need to read policy wording rather than searching in internet. the policy wording is what tells us inclusions, exclusions
Commented on raghavv_24's review
thanks for sharing ur comments . i thought AM would have better service when compared to other insurance companies. but looks like they r no different. i am holding my decision to go for apollo munich health insurance. i will explore other insurance companies. Regards Vijay
Rated on raghavv_24's review
Rated on Complaint999's review
Commented on Complaint999's review
Hello Sir, It would be beneficial to share your specific problems you faced with apollo munich, so that other readers can be much benefited. like delayong claim settlement ?or process of getting your health insurance policy ? or something like that.. Regards
Commented on globalkiran's review
Hi Kiran, It would be informative to know for what illness the claim was made, your age and what policy it was (like amily floater). pls post it when you get a chance. i am seriously thinking abt buying a health insurance policy, let me know if you have any recommendations. Thanks Vijay
Rated on globalkiran's review
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