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Member Since:Aug 18, 2007
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A VFM Adventure phone
Reviewed Videocon V6200
Am sure many wouldnt have even heard of this model, this review is to help those who are looking for a rugged outdoor phone Currently its very hard to Read more...
Delivery is taking forever
Reviewed Flipkart
Ordered one unit of  a  headphone for the first time to check how their service is and  delivery was done within 3 days, ordered more units on 18th oct for myRead more...
A 3-year report-refined to perfection
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
I was looking for a bike in the 150cc segment and I shortlisted pulsar, unicorn & Apache rtr, first test drove pulsar but didn’t like its quality, gear shift Read more...
Reviewed Yamaha Gladiator SS
INTRO: I saw the advertisement in the paper and decided to take a test drive, the reception was good in the Yamaha showroom and I was shown the model and detRead more...
Reviewed Yamaha Gladiator RS
This bike is similar to the ss series except for a minor changes in the looks-department, the review is the same as SS-series. INTRO:I saw the advertisement Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on rajakanungo's review
an absolutely true about the removing negative comments part too.... have myself experienced it.. http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Flipkart-com-review-rutpsrqunn
delivery will take forever, each cust care agent will have a diff version for the delay!
Rated on rajakanungo's review
Rated on venu.murthy's review
Commented on pramod_honda09's review
the engine will get screwed if you change the honda oil(mineral) every 6000kms....for my uni i normally change it by 2000kms.............only synthetic oil can last for 6000kms.
Rated on prakash.joy's review
Followed faisal
Commented on akailasnath's review
kinetics were the pioneers in indian gearless scooter segment, and went gr8 till the honda activa came its way.......i guess kinetic co. is not yet closed itz taken over by the mahindra's-flyte is still selling in considerable no's.........
Commented on santhu457's review
mileage will be low till the first service, due to the fuel mixture tuning.......45 is practical
FYI hunk and uni sport the same engine, but are differently tuned................
Rated on santhu457's review
Followed ambers289
Commented on balacms's review
'if some body looking for pick-up and good mileage...don’t look at this' i agree tat pick up is not tat gr8, but uni gives the better mileage than the bikes u've compared-mine gives a consistent 50-54 in city traffic................
Rated on supernovaarch's review
Rated on ysuresh's review
Commented on meharo's review
@joydip the coldstart prob is normal, it sometimes even occours during rainy season. petrol change should not be the reason, i have tried normal and high octane petroleum-but the difference in performance is only nominal, i personally feel that SHELL's normal petrol works best in my uni.
it is an unique case, i have gone on a lot of long distance trips, clocking upto 450kms in a day in my 10month old uni. 1-it could be due to insufficient engine oil-did u check the oil level before travelling?? 2-If a xcd could withstand the ride, then there is a prob with your uni 3-i have dr Read More...
Commented on varsha_loni's review
hey nice review, there is actually no need for spark plug cleaning every 15 days, unless u ride in very very dusty conditions, check ur fuel and air filter this could b the reason of the prob ur vehicle is facing........if u are not satisfied with the vehicle u hv complain directly to Kinetic throug Read More...
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