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Member Since:May 30, 2002
0 MS Points
i am am a great fan of stephan hawking and am a strong believer in science.i see the universe from a different point of view .i am doing my engineering in mechanical.the rest...well you can guess from the above. i am interested in surfing the net,reading books ...of certain genre ,of course.Psycological thrillers,action movies are the ones i watch.i love novels that really involves using my grey cells such as the ones by Agatha christe,aurthur conan doyle,alfred hitchcock.james hadley chase...etc.
About Me
Education: b.e
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The better choice
Reviewed Buying a Computer
Buying a DVD-rom drive was so hard a few months ago.but now, even though the prices have dropped, the thought still remains over which brand you should go forRead more...
Not for the new generation
Reviewed Kinetic Honda ZX
Let me tell you that ,if you are looking for a vehicle that gives good comfortable riding...then this is certainly the one.on the other hand ,if you are lookiRead more...
Music of the soul
Reviewed Devdas Songs
The songs in this particular album has been beautifully compiled.three cheers to the music director for giving such good tunes to all the songs . if you ever Read more...
A brief history of time
Reviewed Brief History of Time, A - Stephen Hawking
A universe that is finite in size but did not begin with a singularity is the result of one attempt to combine aspects of general relativity and qRead more...
The best character ever
Reviewed The Adventures Of TinTin - Herge
Tintin is probably the best and the most famous character in the world.he has even beaten superman,batman or any other character known to man.i have read eachRead more...
The force is back
Reviewed Star Wars 2:Attack Of The Clones
Being a movie made in 2002 ,the movie boasts excellent computer graphics.in fact,more than 85% of the movie is made digitally.only if you have seen EPISRead more...
Reviewed Spider-Man
This is certainly the best movie of this year.the effects are state of the art and I see no reason why anyone will not want to see it.the actors are perfectlyRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on akashmehra's review
Rated on tina72065's review
Rated on abilashm's review
Rated on mskmsk100's review
Commented on mskmsk100's review
once again an applaudable revu from your side. I enjoyed it fully. Keep writing...Its amazing that you have written 71 reviews in 2 months.... thats a lot varun
I am totally enlightened...never heard of this product before and wow...what a review man....you simply carve yourself a niche everytime you are up here.... all the best varun
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