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Member Since:Jul 02, 2002
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Education: college
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Kinetic Velocity is the BEST
Reviewed Kinetic Velocity
After using a Nova for quite some time now I have recently (4 months ago) purchased the new Kinetic Velocity motorcycle (my sister will now use the Nova). SinRead more...
Not much to aspire to1
Reviewed Hero Honda Ambition
Hero Honda Ambition was pretty long awaited - after all the market leader had not launched anything new while all other motorcycle manufactueres were launchinRead more...
Very boring scooter
Reviewed Honda Activa
Hi Everyone - I have been using the Honda Activa for the past 1 1/2 years and here is my opinion on the same, on various factors: Power/pickup - okay.. no fuRead more...
Never Surrender!
Reviewed Kapil Dev
I would like to begin this review by congratulating the Hariyana Hurricane on being given the Cricketer of the Century award. It is a highly deserved recognitRead more...
Best scooter in India!
Reviewed Kinetic Nova
Hey anyone in the market for a scooter, dont buy anything except the Nova. here are the great things about it: Great looks - very elegant, international, verRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on rohitshakti's review
really... you shouldve gone for the flyte not the pleasure which is so so outdated...
Commented on amitjeswani's review
good review, thanks. i just love those shocks on the flyte. even in the photo you can see that they are of a higher quality. finally a scooter worth buying, i've been postponing my scooter decision because was finding everything in market to be compromise type (i.e. nothing that i liked totally). so Read More...
Commented on kennvergh's review
so the awesome blaze from the exciting italjets is out! great to see enthusiasm among the buyers.. i am going to get one too. thanks for the review, dude
Commented on akshay22's review
Commented on jaysatya's review
oh no another victim of the poor honda afer sales service. these honda dealers think they are KINGS or something. u should have gone for kinetic, no offense. still you can!
Rated on jaysatya's review
Commented on davepot's review
look at this total bad attitude of indians like sachinkul etc. i mean we should be proud that our indian designed motorcyle is being sold and appreciated in south africa but no.. instead sachinkul says why did you buy it? really shame on you sachin. attitudes like this makes my blood boil
Rated on archanab's review
Rated on airindiapilot's review
Rated on matthewl's review
Rated on tdsmapper's review
Rated on raibanin's review
Rated on kaujo's review
Rated on hattakatta's review
Commented on freestyler_285's review
pulsar is a good bike but i am surprised you say your kinetic did not have much pick up.. the kinetic with its 100cc 2 stroke engine was always very powerful, maybe you had not maintained it well
Rated on mouneet's review
Rated on ryanfernandes106's review
Rated on sachinth's review
Commented on nannybiker's review
you are so right. among gearless scooters nova 135 is definitly no doubt the one to choose... good u went for it. as for your friend, too bad!
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