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Member Since:Apr 25, 2003
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Education: MCA
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Affordable Home Theater Setup
Reviewed DVD in your Home Theater
Before I begin please let me emphasize that I am not an audiophile. However, I love movies. I am not rich either. I have got a large DVD collection; it’s mostRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on dilsoft's review
Anish, you have disabled M2M options for yourself. We cannot reply even if we want to reply..
Hi Anish, Between these two TV, Samsung might be a better choice. If you want to go for Sony then go for V-series of Sony LCD. Its better than S-series in terms picture quality. Or you may choose to go for newer S-series - S200. I myself will rather wait for 2-3 years before buying LCD tv to let Read More...
Anish, You must have gone through this review. You never thought of it as option for buying? I am seriously considering it. Which LCD models are you talking about? Low-end Sony model is definately not preferable over high-end Samsung ones. What are the prices that are being offered for them?
Rated on dilsoft's review
The colored spots problem is widely reported in web. Its because of dust particles that get inside the television, somewhere between projector unit and screen. It can occur in any LCD projection TV at anytime; so keep fingers crossed. Some people have even reported spiders getting inside the TV unit Read More...
After reading this review, I have almost made up my mind for buying this TV. I have heard of colored spots getting formed in LCD projection TVs after 1-2 years. Ever heard of that?
Commented on own review
The price that I quoted was for HTR-2000 and not HTR-5000. HTR-5000 was unavailable in Delhi when I bought Onkyo. HTR-5000 was my first choice, I even waited for it for 2 months before giving up and buying Onkyo. If HTR-5000 sound OK to you then please go ahead and buy it (Trust only your own ears). Read More...
Commented on haipavan24's review
Hi, If I understand correctly; this model has been discontinued by Philips. I guess that because of this the future releases of firmware upgrade will disappear too.
Commented on kkallapur's review
Please write a separate review of HTR5000. It will help many others like me who are planning to buy it. How expensive is it?
Thanks! I was about to buy this. Saved myself a lot of heartache. How is HTR5000? I belive that LX600 has been discontnued?
Rated on kkallapur's review
Commented on m_sthosh's review
Hi, I was planning to buy this but your comment that there is a 'lag of 1-3 seconds' has stopped me in tracks. Doesn't this non-synchronization between audio and video makes you uncomfortable? Thx
Commented on yorker's review
Hi, I too was thinking of buying Philips 29' or 34' television. But your problem has prompted me to think otherwise. Is the TV set OK now (after repair)? What do service personnels say? Is it a common problem?
Rated on saurabhgarg's review
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