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Member Since:Aug 21, 2009
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3 idiots- the pinnacle of comedy
Reviewed 3 Idiots
This is one of the awesome movies I have ever watched. Even though the essence of the plot is chetan bhagats five point someone, appropriate changes have beenRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Followed sunilrao91
Rated on sunilrao91's review
Commented on sunilrao91's review
Nice review!It is helpful for anyone looking forward to buy a handset. Keep writing!!!!!
Commented on aaryesdee's article
awesome!!! Thank you for such a wonderful dairy. Please be sharing.
ingaleesh ees beri phunny.
Rated on SIDHARTH_STAR's review
Commented on SIDHARTH_STAR's review
A review on a movie must give some information about the movie, which yours doesnt.And when you dont recommend the movie to others you need to justify it. Otherwise, people who read your review will be misled.
Commented on Faridoon's review
wonderful review.........no doubt 88% voted it as very useful. ive already watched the movie and your review was like a revision to me. and congrats as your review has been voted the review of the day.
Commented on deyadav's review
I personally liked the movie and found it was worth spending some money to watch it. Anyway,id like to impress upon you the fact that movies are made with a primary objective of entertaining. And i think the primary objective is fulfilled in this movie even though the characters and the plot seem s Read More...
Rated on yogi.jadoo's review
Followed ajeet15
Commented on Ak_India's article
amazing story i really liked it.it was really interesting.
Every Problem has its own Solution.
Nothing can be done by us What u are trying to say is really a matter which needs attention.The government really needs to take the matter seriously.I feel that history may repeat itself.The politicians are late learners.But all we, the common people can do is ''SIT AND WAIT''.Nothing can be done.
INDIA -All is not Well.
Rated on derebail2008's review
Followed derebail2008
Rated on pranjal_s's review
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