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pasir ris
Member Since:Jul 26, 2003
0 MS Points
About Me
Education: high school
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Reviewed Swades
Yesterday after the midnight show, me and my dad were coming back in taxi. And we had a very heated debate. He said, I feel pity for Ashutosh?Read more...
Your cool i am cool
Reviewed Darna Mana Hai
NOW LET ME SEE...hmmm......? So I watched Darna Mana Hai and let me provide my verdict in a sense of a normal person who does not think about - 1) the how it Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on rewaa's review
By the way whats with u and 'pretend' .....arent u 'pretend'ing to be a good reviewer...oh i see - u are 'pretending' to express urself. Ahh..now i get it!!
Well..arent u a bad GIRL!! hmmm....well..congrats for writing a immature review. thank u. It was weird cause it was worser than a Raja Sen reivew (congrats to defeating him). Rewaa please if u have a serious grudge against someting then just express that dont express it thru this review. Am i so ha Read More...
Commented on prasidddha's review
Hey dude - life isn't that feel good!!!! If it was for feel good that people watch cinema then why in this world did Page 3 become a hit. Maybe Sarkar is not a great movie but that does not mean u blame the no feel good factor in the movie. Don't speak like a fool or a baby.....if u want to see fee Read More...
Commented on sainath's review
Hey kid... do you sit in the ticket office .. brickbats???? the whole building is falling on u for ur review. you seemed to like Yuva( which was not successful) which was mani ratnam's weakest movie -- do u think it is easy to get a seat in politics that easily and that too in denim. Black to u is Read More...
Keep quite with your box office ediocity..please..its irritating + ugly. Have had enough with you. In the end, you are just sainath, a guy in the middle of nowhere. Sorry man, seen ur Dil se review and it was smashing but this is just ...............
hmm,,,u are very TARAn adarsh and not a good reviewer where does box office come into todays good movies .
Commented on loveanuraghs's review
ur too much ..don't be obsessed please witth whatever. anyways bhoot was not a movie from heart . it was a very poor movie because it did not scare other than one scene. ok ..keep quite for sometime.
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