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Member Since:Dec 19, 2008
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BSNL 3G Datacard
Reviewed BSNL EVDO Card
About 3 days ago I got a New BSNL 3G data card in view of being able to work from home anytime. My work demands me to be on the internet whenever needed and aRead more...
VW Polo - Have patience.. Long waiting period..
Reviewed Volkswagen Polo
Finally got a chance to drive this car.. A friend of mine who is one of the first customers from Pune to own this car visited bangalore. Though I am not thriRead more...
My first Blackberry device: Storm 2 - I love it.
Reviewed Blackberry Storm2 9520
I got my new blackberry Storm 2 about two weeks ago. Its an amazing phone to own. This is my first Blackberry phone and would like share my experience using tRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on shivnandangupta's review
Commented on shivnandangupta's review
Homeshop18 has never given exceptional service.. Their product quality is getting worse day by day and looks like they have earned lot of money so now started cheating their customers.
Commented on Fazal103's review
Ture... I realized it with my 4th purchase.....
Rated on Fazal103's review
Rated on shaadiq's review
Commented on shaadiq's review
I don't believe what is mentioned above is true.... Homeshop18 is messing up and their service is degrading day by day... I will soon post a detailed review as I am waiting to resolve one issue that is now outstanding for about a week.
Commented on vkchakkoli's review
Could you tell us more about the Vehicle? Also, I would like to know the Onroad Price and the version you own.. Thanks
Rated on vkchakkoli's review
Rated on dude007's review
Commented on abhibhi's review
I don't agree that the claim should be rejected is this case. The Car is insured and not the person. The best way to settle this matter would have been to tranfer the insurance to your name and then put go for claim. It also matters how your service center people guide you with the claims. If the da Read More...
Rated on abhibhi's review
Commented on deepuin9's review
Bajaj Allianz sucks.. They are most un reliable vehicle insurance company.. I will never insure my car again with them... Deepu do you have their management contact number whom I can escalate the matter?
Rated on deepuin9's review
Commented on riteshdel's review
Thanks for the nice review. I have recently got a car loan from family credit and the guys seemed to be very good. Please tell me if you finally received your NOC for the 2 wheeler and how much time it actually took to get it? If you have any other information please share with us.
Rated on riteshdel's review
Rated on harsoni's review
Commented on harsoni's review
I would like to know more about your trip. Please do share the cost of the package and other expenses incurred during the trip other than your personal expenses..
Followed harsoni
Rated on prankey's review
Commented on own review
Is being Honest a Crime?.... I am sure you all will start liking it when I post the updated reviews...
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Sunil Badgujar (@sunilbadgujar90MouthShut Verified Member)
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Vishal Bhat (@bhatvishal100MouthShut Verified Member)
LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
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Mandeep Singh (@OMX_3388MouthShut Verified Member)