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Member Since:Jul 22, 2002
0 MS Points
I am a mystery. To write something about myself is the most tiresome job I can ever imagine. After all, we are all very prejudiced when it comes to self estimation. To be on the safer side, I would let you know my background is from an orthodox Sri-Vaishnavite family from Pondicherry, educationally and career wise, I am a MD Gen. Med, currently pursuing my Doctor of Science in Medical Informatics and therefore consider myself very busy although I always find time for a couple of beers and an extended nap afterwards. My interests revolve around my professional activity, while Philosophy is my passion. I don't care much for Music, Cinema and likewise, but am a thorough gourmet (although vegetarian) and connoisseur of [secret]. And not to forget, I am an artist too (atleast I think I am), my area of interest being Calligraphy. My opinions about myself vary all day when during the morning, they are mellow and insightful, but in the evening I tend to become more of a sophist or charvaka. I have a few vain prides: of being a thoughtful, artistic and passionate lover of nature, an ardent reader of sorts, and a budding philosopher. I never judge myself objectively on these subjects, since I feel safe in my vanities. The best things that I like in life are simple: A walk in a coconut grove, lying on a sandy beach, Idly with coriander chutney and a ride on a fast bike. Added to these are the eternal pleasures of idling with my brother and sister, enjoying the company of a silent girl and a good book that never finishes. I remember two periods of my little life: When I used to spend the afternoon lunch breaks of my 11 standard at the Central Park opposite to the Raj Nivas and the Park Monument in Pondicherry and secondly, when I was preparing for my Anatomy examinations. Phew! those were days!!. Medical Informatics goes without saying, likewise Radiology (Diagnostic) Visual Arts: Digital Graphics (Vectors) Calligraphy is a perpetual infatuation Philosophy and Comparative Religion :Vishistadwaita and Saiva-Siddhanta Softball (I was a State team player!) and Chess Kamasutra?! (Kama follows Dharma and Artha doesn't it?) Trichology (now don't you laugh!)
About Me
Education: M.D (D.Sc)
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Roll your own MouthShut!!!
Reviewed Building a Website
If you are seriously contemplating a venture(like Mouthshut) and dont know where to start, this article is for you. If have a strong interest, time andRead more...
A wanna-be Critic drones...
Reviewed General Thoughts About MouthShut
Who is a critic? I have written a definition of a critic myself in-order to justify my article below:) A critic is a heartless person, who unmindful of all tRead more...
Bringing back POP3 access to Yahoo! Mail
Reviewed YahooMail
This is not exactly a review of Yahoo!. Instead I am trying to bring back sanity to the Net in my own little way. (atleast helping spread the word:) After thRead more...
Powerful, yet humble.
Reviewed The Bat!
The Bat! version 1.60q is a light weight e-mail program that stands up to the big bullies like Outlook, Eudora, Pegasus and others. The Bat! has quite an impRead more...
Study Medicine in the Caribbean !!
Reviewed Applying to a Medical College Abroad
Want to study Medicine abroad? If you want To pursue Medicine as your career, to study in an independent environment, away from shackles of confinement at Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
You need a FTP (file transfer protocol) client. I would recommend CUTE FTP (download from: http://download.com.com/3000-2160-10121474.html?tag=lst-0-1 ) or (cuteftp.com) Now unzip the zipped file that you downloaded from xoops.com and inside you will find a folder named HTML. Start Cuteft Read More...
Step 4: When promted by the Installer, Fill in the details for mySQL database as follows: Database name: yourusername_db Database username: yourusername_fr Database password: yourpassword let other things be as they are.. Next, you will be asked to create a administrator's account to finish i Read More...
Actually I am thinking of rewriting this article, since it makes no sense to people who are not acquainted earlier with certain concepts. But then, I don't know how I can manage to explain many things at once within the 8000 char limit. Any way, MS runs on a script which was programmed to work and m Read More...
Commented on abababbey's review
Dear Abbey, congrats on getting well and best wishes! Your review on yourself was interesting to read, since it refects various good points such as you, having tried to gain more information on your disorder, taking on your health problem with a sprinkle of humour, at now even sharing your experi Read More...
Rated on meleahk1's review
Rated on voodoochild's review
Commented on voodoochild's review
That was one attention grabbing headline... But, frankly, the issue about virginity is losing glamour :( Anyway, here is to your virginity or the lack of it... slaite! Cheers
Rated on anees_ar's review
Commented on avantgarde's review
and I thought KISS is 'Keep it simple, Stupid!!' :).. and yeah what's good about pirated versions being available? Buying pirated books is nothing less then stealing off the author... Cheers, Fireater
Commented on daxing's review
what sense make review this i think no... well insanity is highly contagious!
Rated on daxing's review
Commented on Kirby2K1's review
My HR is always reserved without second thoughts for Open Source Software. If its OS, it gotta be good. (All generalizations are false: I know that, but the flesh is weak:) Gecko is gonna mutate into howmany more OS browsers remains to be seen...
Rated on Kirby2K1's review
Rated on bwhite's review
Commented on siyao's review
But, some people like myself HATE receiving HTML mail messages. (I am on Linux at times and I just hate to switch to Outlook just to render the HTML page properly) Well, the animated interface might be interesting, but this fad will pass... Cheers.
Rated on siyao's review
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