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Member Since:Apr 15, 2003
0 MS Points
I guess the most important thing about me right now is I'm headed back to India in ONE week! Haven't been back for a few years!!! I just joined on April 15th, a few days ago, so I'll just lurk around her and post opinions on people's reviews like any good newbie would. :) And maybe review once I think of something! I suppose you can't immediately review a product that's not here? You've got to submit it to Mouthpad first? . <b>ANIME</b>: I love Japanese animation! Ranma 1/2, Rurouni Kenshin and Fruits Basket are presently my favourites. They're silly, funny, exciting, tender at moments and beautifully drawn. <b>COMICS</b>: I'm collecting Tomb Raider right now. I'd started Sandman but my wallet grew sad and empty. <b>ANIMATED FEATURES</b>: Love 'em all. Spend my $8 on almost every animated movie that comes out. Yup, even Disney. <b>BUFFY</b>: I love the show. Sue me. I've watched it since ep 1 for the last seven years. <b>HIKING</b>: In the summer, anyway. <b>What I'm reading now</b>: A Winter Haunting by Dan Simmons- Sequel to Summer of Night, which I'v got to say was a lot better!
About Me
Education: University
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Sweet as honey! ^__^
Reviewed Secret Life of Bees, The - Sue Monk Kidd
Fourteen-year-old Lily Owen is on the run in South Carolina, USA in Sue Monk Kidds novel, The Secret Life of Bees. Its 1964, and the Civil RightsRead more...
Loads of funny moments
Reviewed Masti
A/N: I havent written a review for ages, and thought I should try again. By the same token, the writing is bound to be a bit rusty. So any reviews or CRead more...
Fairy Tale Adult Literature
Reviewed 5 Best Books
Okay, its true. Ive been writing about fantasy all this time! Thats because when I came to India this summer, I didnt see much of a faRead more...
Children's Books I Like Now!
Reviewed Favourite Books Of Childhood
I know I twisted the title a little bit, but Ive read a few interesting young adult books lately. Artemis Fowl- Artemis Fowl is a 12 year Read more...
I shoot with my mind (ten best of fantasy lit)
Reviewed Ten Best Authors / Poets
My ten best, anyway! Laurell K. Hamilton: LKH writes about Anita Blake, the Vampire Hunter. In a world where the law has legalized vampires and werewolves anRead more...
A wacky animated martial arts adventure!
Reviewed Ranma 1
Whos Ranma? Why do I love Ranma? Is it because when the 16-yr-old martial artist is splashed with cold water, Ranma turns from a blue-eyed, dark hairedRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on moh3981's review
Uhhhh....this is a review for Mauritius...what the heck is it doing in the Maldives section???
Commented on nalin64's review
Hey, thaks for the review. Appreciate the mention of cost of resort, as well as a recommendation of resort. It's always good to have a name to check out.
Commented on nachiketp's review
Hey, good review. You get points for mentioning the global warming crisis. I would ahve liked to ahve a better idea of the cost of things though. cheers,Rois.
Rated on nachiketp's review
Commented on vikashtiwari's review
Hey, thanks for writing this. I always appreciate logistical points in reviews, like cost, what you did, and extra things like where to get the visa, the time it took to arrive etc. Awesome review!
Rated on vikashtiwari's review
Commented on lizkempo's review
Hi, Thanks for that. It was very informative, and makes me want to head out to S. Africa right away. What were the natives like? Friendly? Distant? Rois.
Rated on lizkempo's review
Followed Jertoons
Rated on Cousin2's review
Commented on shabbie's review
The Talisman is awesome! What did you think of Black House? I found the edn slightly disappointing, I hope there's a part 3.
Rated on suseuser's review
Commented on suseuser's review
..and a terrier no less, how cute! Oaky, I'll add this to my list of things to read.... Rois.
Commented on Cousin2's review
Hi Lyla, That's my favourite Beatles song, too. Now I have to find the Israeli version... I was sorry to hear about your mum...it's really true that music helps us bear the toughest times.... I've never heard Bob Hope sing. I've only seen him in the old movie 'Princess and the Pirate', which was Read More...
Rated on srblpn's review
Commented on srblpn's review
Hi, I've got no clue what uproar is, and I'm afraid your review didn't enlighten me all that much...Is it a website of some kind? If I do run across it, your review will be useful insofar that I'll keep in mind that their prizes aren't to be trusted. Too bad for you! :) Better luck with something e Read More...
Commented on krishnakumar's review
I'm always looking for good music, and this sounds like a 'must have'. Thanks for pointing it out! :) And good review, too! Rois.
Commented on sumanth.rao's review
That sounds like the kind of comment that is liable to get a careless tourist eaten...heehee...but it IS a catchy title! Yes, I'd like to know more about the book, too, but it still sounds like a gripping read.
Rated on sumanth.rao's review
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