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Member Since:Mar 14, 2004
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From India, and presently a student in Australia. Previously lived in England and in the US. Hopeful of spending time in Africa, South America and South East Asia to round out the experience, literally. And some day perhaps, Antartica. No, really. . Almost anything -- travel, playing sports, reading, nature gaze, idle daydreams, pointless debates, you name it.
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A psychological journey into your brain
Reviewed Stumbling on Happiness - Daniel Gilbert
While we all no doubt want to be happy forever and then some, can we make such a wish to come true? I dont claim to know the answer really(even though IRead more...
A Crash Course in Backstabbing
Reviewed Survivor
Australian TV channels have an affably brusque way of announcing upcoming programs. One Friday, an announcer proclaimed thus: Next, take a crash cRead more...
A Typical Wodehousian Comedy
Reviewed Uneasy Money - P.G.Wodehouse
I was introduced to the celebrated author P.G.Wodehouse for the first time two years ago. I dont mean that quite literally of course, which would have bRead more...
Living up to my User Id
Reviewed Suse Linux 9.1
My mouthshut user id is the topic of most email messages I receive from this site. I think it is high time I came out of the closet and shared the truth with Read more...
Timeless Humor from Victorian England
Reviewed Three Men In a Boat - Jerome K Jerome
Books are wonderful things. So people tell me. They make you worldly and wise, they say. Now, both of these sounded like nice things to be, and so once in a wRead more...
Escapism in the Internet Era
Reviewed My Ten Favorite Web Sites
The Internet revolution has come and gone. It is now hard to imagine an advanced society without this huge database of easily accessible information called ThRead more...
Scifi gone all wrong
Reviewed The Core
What will two bored guys in a foreign land do when they get together? No uncomfortable answers please. Well, if they are like me and my unfortunate friend, thRead more...
The art of science
Reviewed Surely You're joking Mr. Feynman - Richard P Feynman
What makes a scientist tick? What on earth could induce someone to wallow in the righteousness of self-proclaimed theories for a profession? Can we associate Read more...
A Riveting Thriller
Reviewed Face, The - Dean Koontz
This is the first book I read from the author Dean Koontz. I had a choice of free books in a local promotional offer and just randomly picked this up from theRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on laikar's review
Howdy again :) This was indeed a remake of a south movie I believe. Not that I watched either version -- just explaining (away) some of the oddities including the culotte. Heck, especially the culottes :)
Rated on laikar's review
By the way, forgot to ask -- what does your title mean? I can translate some words, but can't put them together!
Nobody ever says if he really was cheating in the quiz show or not. That's the big suspense, eh? :p Howdy? Very thoughtful review. You seem really impressed. Perhaps I should watch it then. At least to find out if our hero wins the big money. And the girl. I bet he did. For all the poignance, it' Read More...
What? No special mention at all of the attractive Charlotte! :p I had no idea what it was all about from the bits and pieces that I watched on TV. You have a very interesting take on the whole series. I wasn't quite sure why so many women liked this show so much. I think I'm beginning to understand. Read More...
Quite likely the critic on the back cover only read the first few pages before writing that blurb. It is quite annoying indeed when a book does not live up to its initial promise. More so for the critics. And you thought the readers had it tough :) Your reviews are looking more and more like lit Read More...
Quite inquisitive aren't ya? :) Pray tell me why you think it cannot be useful to me. I am not so unromantic really :) Regarding the kiss, it was just famous (or infamous) because the two leads reenacted the kiss during the award show -- something that was on TV during my dinner time. It later ca Read More...
Loved your review :) Yay romance! We never get bored of it. Interesting story about the boatman. Never watched or read the Notebook. But I believe the film is quite (in?)famous for its award winning kiss scene in one of those endless award ceremonies. Appropriately perhaps given the comments about i Read More...
Commented on laikar's article
:) Fair enough. But I do care. I make sure the one in my dreams isn't chubby and sans a hubby. No, seriously, I am happy for her to have found someone. (I know I don't have to be happy for Abhishek. What me turning green? That's just the lighting really :) You seem to have done a lot of research abo Read More...
Rabri and Aai
Same here! It must just be completely coincidental that Aishwarya showed up in my dreams too recently. I mean like everyday:) Kidding. My dreams usually make no sense whatsoever. So this is what you've been up to. Sounds quite lovely. Very familial. Your Aai must be very strong willed to be so refre Read More...
Great review! Interesting dig at Bengalis :) The movie sounds like a curious work. But it also appears to seriously delve on a topic that I am not too familiar with :) Incidentally, I've never taken a chance yet with dubbed movies. I always get this bizarre image of 'floating dialogs' watching th Read More...
... and the friend is as usual late to the review :) A very eloquent one at that. I meant the review of course. Not the friend :) You've pretty much said all I could have and more. 'even the deepest sadness is viewed with a gentle humour that elevates the pathos to clear-eyed acceptance without Read More...
I might quite enjoy a movie like that though I am probably not familiar with the originals enough to appreciate the burlesque. Still will give it a go -- your comments about Deepika are very tempting indeed :) There was a hilarious parody of tamil movies in the form of a TV series eons ago by a Read More...
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Rajiv E (@rajiv22MouthShut Verified Member)
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PawanAshar (@PawanAsharMouthShut Verified Member)
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Dharmendra (@love1986MouthShut Verified Member)
Pratik Gandhi (@pgandhi38MouthShut Verified Member)
kunalsingh33 (@kunalsingh33MouthShut Verified Member)
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Mukesh Patel (@MukeshSachinMouthShut Verified Member)
Ala Rahi Restoran (@alarahitrMouthShut Verified Member)
Vishal Bhat (@bhatvishal100MouthShut Verified Member)
Aneet Singh (@aneet4743MouthShut Verified Member)
Dr Maan Physiocare (@drmaanphysiocareMouthShut Verified Member)
ankit sharma (@ankitjaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Arun Talukdar (@aruntalukdarMouthShut Verified Member)
Pokkisha Posha (@pokkishabMouthShut Verified Member)
mahra17 Shaikh (@mahra17MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 80