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Member Since:Nov 20, 2006
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Education: BE/B.Tech
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GREAT CAR exhorbitant price
Reviewed Skoda Fabia - Diesel
Had been waiting for this car Since October 2007. Wanted a diesel car as my driving is too much. I drive about 20-25000 kms in a year. Saw the car Today. WasRead more...
Great Car
Reviewed Chevrolet Spark
Took The delivery of the Car LT Model on 12th October 2007. Have Driven it 3500 kms so far and am highly satisfied owner. First I would like to tell you all Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on JaiAlmighty's review
Rated on fentiman's review
Commented on fentiman's review
no specific details mentioned to justify the thoughts.
Rated on ajitdangal's review
Commented on ajitdangal's review
Please speak specifics. Nothing is clear what your issue is. Incidentally All 3 Ford products are rated in top 3 by JDP in vehicle dependability survey.
Rated on ketantendulkar's review
Rated on MumbaiChick's review
Commented on kritu_1's review
My dear friend. Faulty Nokia Phone is Nokia Problem. Problem can arise even if you buy the mobile from Nokia Priority dealer. That is why Nokia has got service centres all across. What has Hot Spot to do with your Faulty Nokia Phone. you should pledge to Not to buy Nokia product rather tha Read More...
Rated on smartdagar's review
Commented on hari_mouthshut's review
What a pity an honest person can't even speak his mind out. I feel all guys with comments accusing Hari to be a competition planted guy are all actually from maruti and trying to malign an honest person going against the biggest car manufacturer of INDIA INC. So he has to face so much of Humiliatio Read More...
Commented on chayanray's review
2 separate things being confused and linked together. 1. Warranty - 3 years 100,000 km's is standard manufacturer Warranty. 2. As mentioned by Mototrack its a cashless ownership experience which means instead of paying for parts, Labour and consumables used in normal service (at every service) Read More...
Commented on vishnusekharsp's review
I have been driving the spark for the past 1 year. and its a great drivers car. I can't agree with you on any of those issues that you have mentioned. i have driven it on highways and bumper to bumper traffic and have always felt at ease. I think you should polish your driving skills.
Rated on nikhilganju's review
Rated on yuvrajp's review
Commented on gsurya's review
The Booking story is cooked by all manufactureres during new car launches. I visited the showroom before the car was launched in Jan and was surprised to see the dealer carrying a stock of about 100 fabia's. and till date he has not been able to sell those. I showed an intent of buying one and Read More...
Commented on gm_prasad's review
I am getting 17 in city driving without aircon in Delhi/Gurgaon. Decent performance. cost of maintanance has to be on the lower side as compared to the I10. as I 10 is placed above Santro by the company.
Commented on zack's review
Dear Zack It definitely needs to be compared to the swift. They are not in different categories. They fall in the same segment - HATCH BACK. The dimensions are more or less near the Swift. By putting some extra features and pricing the product high does not qualify it for a higher segment. Let me t Read More...
Commented on Subhash50004000's review
Dear Subhash, I can Understand your situation and all my sympathies and support are with you. I am a highly satisfied customer of TATA SKY. I have this connection since June 2007. In fact in our house we have 4 Tata Sky connections in all. and we have never faced any problem so far. Trust me th Read More...
Commented on JaiNambiar's review
25 mixed mileage is too good can you tell me how do you measure this mileage.
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