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Member Since:Mar 25, 2001
0 MS Points
No, I'm not really an astronaut but I do play one on the web. I had to do something useful with my physics degrees. When not training for critical missions, I am reading, playing games, or (every once in a while) doing something useful on my Palm Pilot. When they can drag me away from my Palm, I write programming manuals for the Software Products Group of Lucent Technologies, mainly because they pay me. Palm OS devices, reading, sports, gaming, physics, mathematics, writing
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Reviewed Stone Water Grill - Koregaon Park - Pune
This is an awesome place in india i have evr seen.Great food, good selection of wines, topped with outstanding service.They need to keep more choice of vegetaRead more...
The Gods Themselves Would Love This Book
Reviewed Gods Themselves, The - Isaac Asimov
Published in 1972 during the energy crisis in the United States, Isaac Asimovs The Gods Themselves offers up a solution - an unlimited energy source witRead more...
Congenial Amusing Flick
Reviewed Miss Congeniality
I love movies, but I dont currently live near a movie theater so I rarely go anymore. Rather I wait for DVDs and evaluate which movies I want to see enoRead more...
Library in the Palm of my Hand
Reviewed E-Books Vs. Paper Books
All of my life Ive been a voracious reader. It wasnt at all uncommon for me to read 12-15 books in one day when I was younger. Then my eyesight stRead more...
One of the Best Books Ever Written
Reviewed Count of Monte Cristo, The - Alexandre Dumas
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas is quite simply one of the best books ever written. At once a swashbuckler and a romance, an adventure and a contRead more...
Faded Hopes of a Better Color Palm
Reviewed Palm m505
The Palm m505 is an attempt to meld all that is good about the Palm V and all that is good about the Palm IIIc whilst leaving out some of the bad of each. In Read more...
The Pit of Dispair
Reviewed Pit and the Pendulum, The - Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe is a poet. Whether writing poems, horror stories, or mysteries, his words hum and flow in magical ways. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Read more...
Still the Best Palm
Reviewed TRG Pro
The TRGPro is the best Palm on the market right now. Even with the advent of newer models, my money is still on the TRGPro. Why? Two reasons: 1) It has excepRead more...
Free But at a Price
Reviewed MusicMatch Jukebox
MusicMatch Jukebox is a popular free MP3 encoder and player for both Mac and Windows. I used it on my G4 and it wasnt a pleasant experience. First, I sRead more...
What did I do with that file?
Reviewed Microsoft Visual Source Safe
I am a technical writer by trade. There is a misconception that version control is meant to just manage code, but I firmly believe that version control is impRead more...
Terrific Radiant Story
Reviewed Charlotte's Web - E.B White
For people who grow up on farms, the killing of animals for profit or food is normal, commonplace, expected. For the rest of us, it is hard to deal with the rRead more...
Can I Have Some More, Please?
Reviewed Coca Cola
There is nothing more soothing than a cold coke. Whether to mask the taste of medicine, just cool off on a hot day, or with a meal Coke is my drink of choice.Read more...
I'll Take a Palm with a Side of MemoryStick Pleas
Reviewed Sony CLIE PEG-S300
An excellent first entry into the Palm arena, the Sony CLIE provides a small device with a real backlight, rechargeable batteries, and an expansion slot. It hRead more...
Dance for Me Baby
Reviewed Dirty Dancing
Filled with music of the late 50s and early 60s and scenes of life at the summer resorts of the Catskills, Dirty Dancing evokes nostalgic feelingsRead more...
Dove: The Dermatologists' Favorite
Reviewed Dove Soap
Ive had problems with my skin for years, and one thing has been constant throughout that time: every Dermatologist Ive seen has recommended Dove sRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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