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Member Since:Jun 09, 2009
1084 MS Points
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Dr. Batra;s healed my ulcers
Reviewed Dr Batra's Clinic - Lokhandwala - Mumbai
I had an accident in the year 2007 and my leg got injured badly in that accident. Throught the most of the wounds healed my calf muscles developed severe burnRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Followed DrBatrasHealth
Commented on girija_p's review
I got healed of my ulcers by consulting at Dr. Batra's. Now I prefer using homeopathy for most of the treatments.
Rated on girija_p's review
Rated on srsa1969's review
Commented on srsa1969's review
Their might be exceptations, but I have being healed of my ulcers going to Dr. Batras.
Rated on say-no-to-cheaters's review
Commented on say-no-to-cheaters's review
I have being healed of ulcers using Dr. batra's medicine. I would like to suggest try to be more patience towards Homeopathy, as it takes time to heal.
Commented on yashpalsingh's review
The treatment is g8 at dr. batra's I got healed of my ulcers. I was suffering a lot and also the conventional treatment gives only temporary relief. Homeopathy is a natural treatment and it completely cures of the disease.
Rated on yashpalsingh's review
Followed ravikantkumar34
Commented on abhishk.indian's review
Hi drtm, I appreciate ur concerns, coz the same problem my friends had faced when starting clinic. Also about homeopathy, patients need to have patience, the results takes time, might be 2 yrs also, coz it is a natural procress. My family is a believer of homeopathy and I have seen how my famil Read More...
Rated on abhishk.indian's review
Commented on askshameer's review
Hi Sameer, I agree with you on the diet part, rather you should have taken the help of a dietican. Also would like to tell u that homeopathy works and in most cases has proven results. My mom has skin allergies problem and it took her more than 2 yrs to get healed from that problem. so have pat Read More...
Rated on askshameer's review
Rated on Vikss's review
Commented on Vikss's review
I think you should have some patience with homeopathy and then will experience the results. Alternatively I can suggest go for a body check-up and this will help you to identify the problem areas
Commented on joon's review
I use homeopathy medicine and am a believer of homeopathy the natural way of medicine.
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Rated on prashanth81's review
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