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Member Since:Jun 09, 2003
0 MS Points
A Non Practising Postgraduate Doctor serving in the Healthcare Industry. . 1.Reading Management Books & books on Healthcare. 2. Partying & listening to music, am a hardcore trance fan with my friends @ fire n Ice on tuesday nights. 3. Watching Movies - Thrillers, Suspense, Comedy & occassional drama. 4. Found of my workstation Lucy at home. 5. Driving 6. Gaming - My PS2 & Lucy my PC, usually rally gaming & first action shooting like RTCW. 7. My Native place - Goa. 8. Interior Decoration. 9. Mouthshut.com - My homepage
About Me
Education: Post Graduate
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Kazaa is history
Reviewed KaZaa
The music industry killed Napster. They killed an application, an application (program) that allows peer- 2 - peer file swapping (P2P). However, the coders caRead more...
MDspeak is off the net!
Reviewed Mdspeak
A bit of Dotcom History - www.mdspeak.com was one of the best medical information sites for the Indians during the Dotcom boom. The Boom was followed by a BusRead more...
Its your personal call!
Reviewed Choosing a Mobile Service
The Mobile service industry is a very competitive industry, wherein the providers are offering special deals. If you can catch an outlet at a proper time, youRead more...
Its a SONY - T310
Reviewed Sony Ericsson T310
The Sony 310 is as good as a mobile phone can get. It was Nokia all along since I started using a mobile, the last model I used was a 6310i. When it came to mRead more...
Get a machine with a greater energy efficiency
Reviewed Choosing an Air Conditioner
Few of us can be capable of rational thought in summers without an airconditioner.The Mantra in buying an airconditioner is to select a model that will cool wRead more...
Orange is awesome
Reviewed Orange Mobile Operator
If at all one seeks a Mobile service provider, I feel Orange beats the competitors hands down. I have used BPL as well, however I felt the roaming & signals iRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on meerarathod's review
Rated on rajeevgupta78's review
Rated on audiovideoslut's review
Rated on firstautumn's review
Rated on adityaiyer's review
Commented on adityaiyer's review
Its really a laid back comedy. Fankly i laughed & laughed good. The problem is that you really have to 'listen' & not 'Hear' mate...cheers
Rated on satishkl's review
Followed cinemaniac , reviewer
Rated on cinemaniac's review
Rated on reviewer's review
Commented on reviewer's review
Mate, the pubs , eating joints et all are pretty expensive?, aren't they. I would use Kadambam's Chic Biryani as my last wish if i were to get a capital punishment :-)..cheers
Rated on missy32's review
Commented on missy32's review
Dear Missy32, try kazaa K++, u can download it from www.k-lite.tk
Rated on surajb's review
Commented on surajb's review
Well, you expect free support for a free software which is used mostly to download mp3 which are illegal!? If you know what P2P is mate, do not download Kazaa, download Kazaa Lite or Kazaa K++. These are programs made for the real P2P fans. Both can be downloaded from www.k-lite.tk.
Commented on boaltlaw's review
We are all aware of Kazaa & its spyware features, so were to say. Lemme suggest you Kazaa lite. Popups are irritating, the treatment is to use a software for popups like 'popup killer' cheers
Rated on bondhutto's review
Commented on Bhavna's review
Yup Bhavna, ' Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder', really dunno who said it!. Renee is wow & Catherine & Gere did their jobs well. Your review is neatly done.cheers keep tapping the key board
Rated on Bhavna's review
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