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Member Since:Apr 27, 2016
0 MS Points
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DTDC faulty updates and unwarranted hassle
Reviewed DTDC Courier
A parcel was sent by courier from Raipur DTDC centre to Delhi on 13th June 2016. On 18th I got a call confirming my address from one of their franchisee. On Read more...
TikonaWIBro worst service & fraud in disconnectio
Reviewed Tikona WiBro
My friend had used the Tikona service with consistent problems in the connection from July 2015 till 24th September 2015. The disconnection request was raisedRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on own review
Ok. So we can mark the issue as resolved.
Tikona_TDN, As per the mail and your comment posted on this thread(dated 1st June 2016), there is no more dues pending on me and thus no more call asking for money or otherwise should take place. Please confirm the same and we can close the matter.
Tikona_TDN, After repeatedly asking to resolve this issue, you guys donot budge. You guys have been sending mail containg the following text: ''Mentioned below are the Full and Final Settlement details for your Account no. xxxxxxx Amount Payable : 1,391.82/- ( including CPE charges ) Read More...
Rated on rskarthy's review
Commented on ghayan85's review
Hey Hiw do you complain yo TRAI?? Plz provide the link if any. It might help me resolve my problem.
Tikona_TDN, I have multiple times iterated that I had contacted your executives and team to get the device collected. I was told that they would get back. Now they have stopped responding. I have raised multiple tickets in this regard as well( that a service request be raised to get the device coll Read More...
Rated on Anurag_2000's review
Commented on amangoenkag's review
Hey amangoenkag, Is the issue finally resolved? Tikona is also threatening me. I need your adivce to fight this fraud. Please help on how to go about this. The customer care is non-responsive and do not adhere to the resolution. Thanks in advance.
Rated on amangoenkag's review
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