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Member Since:Oct 27, 2009
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Refund not received from fashionandyou after 6 mo
Reviewed FashionAndYou
I ordered something from fashionandyou.com in April using my store credits, then cancelled the order before it was dispatched. I still have not received the rRead more...
Great facewash in wintercare
Reviewed Lotus Jojoba Wash
Im one in the combination category. Oily T-zone and rest dry and can get really unpredictable with the season change. I needed something that would not Read more...
Good for acne-prone skin
Reviewed Neutrogena Combination Skin Moisture
Yes, u can buy this moisturizer in India, I got mine at Spencers. Been using it for past 3 weeks and really works for me. I have a combination skin whicRead more...
Updating review coz my issue with NIIT resolved
Reviewed NIIT Ltd
Hi all, NIIT being such a widely operated educational institute, is expected to at-least have clear policies about admissions and cancellations. And most impRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on sai_j's review
haha! nice one. Gud sarcastic humour in ur review. Cheers!
Commented on sb1968's review
Congratulations on fighting back with them and winning the case. Hope u've received the refund by now. Let this be an eye-opener for all us who are blinded by the glitter, glamour and the big names of such institutes. These big brands just cheat and deceive people by giving false information. Read More...
Commented on livehappy's article
Best wishes! 36 years of successful commitment and love is really a god's blessing. Best wishes on your wedding anniversary, this and many more to come. -Geeta
Today - November 5th...our 36th Wedding Anniversary! Thank you Lord, for loving us.!!
Rated on Peter_Amalraj's review
Followed Peter_Amalraj
Rated on rajugk's review
Commented on agarkar109's review
UbeU, agree with u on both, I clicked on the review to c Madhubala in a better view too, gr8 snap! Ur tips r also informative, the over-conditioning syndrome applies to me I guess. Thanx!
Rated on pete's review
Commented on pete's review
Can anyone share their experience of Oil of Olay on oily skin?
Commented on truptee's review
Ur experience with this product mayb true to u, but so is it for the others who write their reviews for the products they have used. We all are entitled to our opinions and we all say what WE think about that product. So I do not agree with your claim that users write false and misleading reviews. Read More...
Commented on pearly_girl's review
Hmm! You tempted me to try it now. Gotta get me a tube then. Thanx!
Rated on pearly_girl's review
Rated on nomarks-'s review
Rated on twinkletoes's review
Commented on rondafm's review
the name suggests its oil-based, but is it very oily and thick? Do u think it would do any good to the oily skin?
Rated on rondafm's review
Commented on twinkletoes's review
Wrinkles totally gone? Quite far-stretched.. imo. These big shot companies like Olay should stop making their anti-aging products then.
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