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Member Since:Nov 11, 2007
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Horrendous Experience!
Reviewed Harpreet Ford - Motinagar Crossing - Delhi
Hi, I have been driving a Ford Fusion+ with ABS/EBD etc for a little over two years now. Please see full details of my horrendous experience in the Ford FusiRead more...
Horrendous experience!
Reviewed Ford Fusion
When I test drove the Fusion in Nov 05, I just fell in love with the handling, the high seating, superb visibility, responsive engine, amazingly tight turniRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on lacchu_murugappan's review
Commented on lacchu_murugappan's review
I apologise in advance for submitting a contrary view. What is wrong if an Airline declares upfront that they are going to carry free a certain amount of baggage and then charge extra if that limit is exceeded? When one buys a ticket one is aware of the free baggage limit. So why complain afterwards Read More...
Commented on sakshiarora84's review
This is a problem with every Airline. Its not the Airline who are to be blamed, its the ground handling staff. Even if your bags are locked, they are not safe. The only option seems to be...just don't carry anything valuable inn your checked-in baggage.
Rated on sakshiarora84's review
Commented on Nitinkus's review
This is indeed shocking and a total lapse on Indigo's part.
Rated on Nitinkus's review
Commented on bhooper's review
This sort of confusion is impossible to happen unless it is deliberately done by the Airline. Ofcourse, Indigo would not have seen this complain and they probably would not have reacted. The best option would have been to write directly to them. Having said that...I have heard that Indigo sometim Read More...
Rated on bhooper's review
Rated on abhi19b's review
Rated on rishun's review
Commented on own review
Dear Mr Manvinder Singh, I don't think you will gain anything much by going to consumer court. In a similar situation I had no choice but to pay up. Anyway, enough is enough, I have just said goodbye to the Fusion and switched to a Honda Civic. The Fusion is probably the most terrible pro Read More...
Dear 'Prafful'. Just saw your comment. Thanks for the same. Yesterday I finally decided enough is enough! I am switching to another car - anything else but the Ford Fusion +. Wont bother anyone anymore with the problems faced subsequently to the review I wrote!
Rated on Dreamsellers's review
Rated on stejinder's review
Rated on purplepundit's review
Rated on sasd's review
Rated on Cityman's review
Thanks 'skmami' for your views. In the list of woes I mentioned I forgot to mention two other really weird things that happened to my Ford Fusion+. Those are: a) The car has electrically adjustable outside mirrors. The small plastic 'box' which holds the outside mirror adjustment device is mounte Read More...
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