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Member Since:May 07, 2003
0 MS Points
A Softie by profession, A dreamer by deeds and A Freak by nature. I luv the saying '' When going gets tough the tough gets going'' . Movies,Books are my favorite time pass. Music is my obsession. Listening to Old Hindi Movie Songs give me a high. Books are something I cannot do without. Some of my favorite books till date are, The Glass Palace by Amitava Ghosh, FountainHead by Ayn Rand, The Harry Potter Series , Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, The Maneater of Malgudi etc etc. Recently completed Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince :) :) ... Reading reviews on MouthShut is also worth a pleasure. Forgot to mention Cricket. I eat,drink and even dream cricket.
About Me
Education: B.Tech
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The Kings and The Queens of 2003
Reviewed Twenty Best Acting Performances of 2003
Before I start mentioning my picks for the year 2003 I ll like to make it clear that this is from the movies Ive seen last year. Gangajaal, Dhoop, ZameeRead more...
Another One Hits Bulls Eye
Reviewed Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire - J K Rowling
Needless to say I loved this book. Actually I have now become a huge HP fan. Come to think of it about, 1 and a half month ago I hadnt read a single HPRead more...
You Know What --- It Rocks
Reviewed Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - J K Rowling
Once I completed the enthralling first book of Harry Potters I started looking for BBS (BEG BORROW STEAL) the second one i.e. Harry Potter and Chamber oRead more...
Potter's Magic Works!!!!
Reviewed Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone - J K Rowling
I can call myself an avid book buff. Cant track how many books I ve read till now. Thats why?? But this first book in famous Harry Potter series I completed jRead more...
My Collection for Yr '03
Reviewed Ten Best Songs of 2003
Music has always been my passion. This year was no different. Although the Hindi Film Music this year didnt possess the quality of yesteryears but still thereRead more...
Gone with the HAWA....
Reviewed Hawa
Sometimes you know before entering a theatre, what to expect from a movie . It was exactly the case when I went to watch HAWA by Mr. Guddu Dhanoa . I ve had tRead more...
My Favorite 5 or Aamirs best 5
Reviewed Five Best Movies of Aamir Khan
I know this article is not about my favorite 5 movies but about Aamirs 5 best but what to do, they happen to be my favorite also. Written in reverse ordRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on coolamit123's review
Commented on xabhishek's review
don't know wat this review mean. what's in it that's written by you. pretty baad effort. --adi
Commented on rewaa's review
sorry rewaa... but i hated the movie... i had been waiting for this movie for months now as Benaras and its spirituality is something pretty close to my heart. But this movie was a very amateurish and caricaturish way to present the rich culture of Benaras. Needless to say, the direction and the scr Read More...
Rated on angel25's review
Rated on teena_sri's review
Commented on teena_sri's review
simply awesome choice of songs. Soch Na Tha, Bawra Man , Black Friday are my all time favorites. I would luv to include couple of songs from Aashiq Banaya Aapne as well. The title song from Hazaron Khwahisein Aisi was also wonderful. Cheers, Adi
Rated on vmshut's review
Commented on main_chup's review
Thanks bhai for such a wonderful review. The movie was a treat, just like ur review. I always consider the performance of the Big B in this movie better than in any other movie. Probably only Kaala Pathar & a Millie could match that. Hrishi Da was too good. But the movie truly belonged to Jaya Bac Read More...
Rated on main_chup's review
Rated on mishravishal_99's review
Rated on sunshinegal2003's review
Rated on beeps_india's review
Rated on apsara419's review
Commented on priya45's review
I won't classify myself as a big Harry Potter fan, but yes I have read the first 5 books couple of times, so may not be the best person to comment on ur comments abt. HBP. I still disagree with whatever you say, a teenager is a teenager is a teenager. You cant change that. So they will after all Read More...
Rated on gia25's review
Rated on gagankaul's review
Rated on ketantendulkar's review
Rated on diver's review
Commented on akisha's review
good review... But one correction required.. Nutan wasnt there in Mother India. It was the irresistable Nargis. Thanks, aditya
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