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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Mar 18, 2006
22 MS Points
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ABLE COMMUTER among all!
Reviewed TVS Phoenix
Hi to all. I am writing a review after a long time. Hope my review would be helpful to buyers out there confused in deciding to buy this bike or not. AccordinRead more...
Netconnect+ -
Reviewed Reliance Netconnect
I would like to express my belief on reliance. I want to do this as I want to stop people from getting cheated by this company. I shall give the insights intoRead more...
Vista qjet vs swift ddis comparison
Reviewed Tata Indica Vista
I have already given complete review of Indica Vista quadrajet. I have driven the car for more than 6000km. I would like to compare swift with vista so that oRead more...
Sundaram Finance - Evil and menance
Reviewed Sundaram Finance Ltd
I am very disgusted to write such an evil review of Sundaram Finance(we will call it SF) because I like their TVS group very much. So I had personal liking toRead more...
Caught up with this evil
Reviewed Sundaram Finance Group
I am very disgusted to write such an evil review of Sundaram Finance (we will call it SF) because I like their TVS group very much. So I had personal liking tRead more...
Vista Qjet Aura - updated on may15, 2011
Reviewed Tata Indica Vista Quadrajet
I bought this car on sep 26th 2009. I would like to share my experience. Let me explain each experience separately. Decision making : Before buying this car Read more...
Yamaha - just justify
Reviewed Yamaha R15
You would have seen many reviews praising this bike from Yamaha. But I would like to justify this. If you are going to but this bike, just think twice about tRead more...
Indigo - the good with the bad
Reviewed Tata Indigo - Diesel
I and my friend had an idea of doing taxi business for which we were searching for a good second hand car. My friend liked this car so we blindly obeyed and Read more...
Apache RTR - Super bike
Reviewed TVS Apache 150
I have taken test rides of many bikes. But the one that I like the most is Apache RTR. Technicals of the bike: Sure apache is made for performance. It makesRead more...
Caliber_runs runs and keeps running
Reviewed Kawasaki Caliber
Although in my earlier review I was against the bike but now I would like to say +ve of the bike. Its a real friend of mine and an ageless companion. In my cRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Thanks friends for your comments. I wrote this review mainly because not only it is a desi bike but also very good performer. What Tvs claims about this bike it delivers. Also a special note on vibration, it is more prominent at 60kmph but decreases with increasing speed and is smooth again exactly Read More...
Rated on dino777we's review
Commented on dino777we's review
Very good review. Hats off to you. Feel happy because Tvs Phoenix, the desi product is very good compared to Japanese giants.
Rated on vinodek's review
Commented on vinodek's review
Seems to be problem with Vacuum assist in car's brakes. It is dangerous. Have you sorted out that?
Commented on vsk1984's review
Hi, It is really disgusting to hear companies telling shut up to customers. Really bad image on Mahindra
Thanks Sanjay_ManU. The new vista looks very good. But i think the engine is the same as the previous one but the car has shed some 220kg i think. So might help in improving acceleration upto the level of swift.
Commented on yours_karan's review
Imagine when you are taking articles from dikki, you may place the key accidentally inside and lock it. But this won't happen in your car. So i think this provision is very useful and not a nonsense.
Rated on karthiksibox's review
Commented on kate07's review
I hope these are minor problems, don't let that to let into ur spirit. The car overall is very good as i too have one.
Rated on srchandra's review
Rated on maxpubs's review
Commented on kewl_dude's review
Oh what a car is this? It is surely the fault of service center. U paid the money or what?
Commented on sushantr4Unicorn's review
Hi choose Aura model. The cost between Aqua and Aura is only 40K but you miss many features. Please compare both aura and aqua before buying. I too was thinking of Aqua but changed to Aura at the last moment seeing a hell of difference
I have contact with lawyer and he said absence to arbitration will create more problems. So we had also sent a lawyer notice to SF
Rated on saurabh_matta's review
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