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Member Since:Oct 26, 2008
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Ojjas Enterprises - RIP-OFF REPORT
Reviewed Shopping.Rediff
I purchased "2In 1 Corded+ Semi Cordless Phone " from OJJAS ENTERPRISES on 27-May, 2009 from Rediff.com and to my surprise never received the product until I Read more...
Not so charming Behemoth
Reviewed ICICI Bank
They may be the largest private bank but when it comes to services they are the worst. I never get statements as mentioned during opening an account and when Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
How can we let Rediff allow their sellers to rip us off like this without any repercussions? This is serious offense on part of Rediff and the Sellers they go out of the way to protect.
Commented on alok_lucknow's review
I'm one of the customer of Ojjas Enterprises but they care less for their buyers. They cheat by sending the same product twice pretending it has been fixed when it is NOT. They even have the guts to send you the same exact product having the same defect it had last time when you returned. Read More...
Commented on sa_kiran's review
Youa re not alone in getting burned from Ojjas Enterprises. I had made an order through Rediff (Order no.5396774- 2In 1 Corded+ Semi Cordless Phone First Time In India With Multi Functions And Caller Id) on 27-May, 2009. Jaspreet Sahani did not reply to any of my email asking for when the Read More...
Rated on sa_kiran's review
Rated on lodhra's review
Commented on lodhra's review
It seems you work for Rediff or you have been paid to write this rosy post. Rediff are known to protect their thug sellers and make a killing of the money...I’d say I had a horrible experience on Rediff when I mad a purchase Two months back. I’m still struggling to get a defect free produ Read More...
I'd agree with you there. Rediff even protects the sellers when they do wrong and the buyer communicated with Rediff and Rediff in turn talk to the Seller. What crap! Instead Rediff should warn the sellers for wrong doing. But why would they? Have you seen a cheat stopping another cheat especiall Read More...
Mend your ways or you will go down the drain due to your SELLERS very quickly!
what shocked me was that they protect their Sellers no matter how dishonest they are so that these sellers can cheat buyers under their nose!
Rated on alok_lucknow's review
Rated on mksvelan's review
Rated on eopinion's review
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