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Member Since:Jun 08, 2009
1084 MS Points
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Got cured of preleukemic condition using homeopat
Reviewed Dr Batra's Clinic - Lokhandwala - Mumbai
I was suffering from preleukemic condition, a disease in which our bone marrow does not produce enough blood cells and sometimes this condition leads to LeukeRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Followed DrBatrasHealth
Rated on say-no-to-cheaters's review
Commented on say-no-to-cheaters's review
I got cured at Batras, had preleukemia condition. I will just like to make one point that we cannot percive homeopathy on the lines of allopathy which gives immediate results. The treatment takes time..
Rated on prakash.joy's review
Commented on prakash.joy's review
Sorry your review is not complete, so I am not able to unable to understand your frustation.
Rated on rupeshkp728's review
Commented on rupeshkp728's review
Well this is a nice marketing story written on VLCC, Br. Batra's etc clinics. I think this is a good story for brand related magazines rather than any good review for the MS members to refer to.
Rated on rajendrabhai's review
Commented on rajendrabhai's review
This is quite interesting, that Nokia is advertising heavly for its mobiles but cannot solve one query of one of its customer. Their are hardly any -ve review on nokia, and this seems absurd that somebody writes -ve about you and you advertise next to that -ve review.??????????
Rated on rajmoghe's review
Rated on mouthshutidforgiri's review
Commented on mouthshutidforgiri's review
Dude, Dr. Batras has benefited my brother from hair fall and balding, so if you start believing in such advises how will you take main decisions in life. We our selves have to check and see and have faith in the treatments, so they benefit us.
Commented on chiranjib_c's review
Hi, Drtm thats a nice piece of information, I too believe in homeopathy and how it naturally heals our body.
Rated on astrofreak1234's review
Commented on arun_saini008's review
I agree with what astrofreak is saying, even I have visited Dr. Batras with my brother for his treatment and don't agree with your statements
Rated on arun_saini008's review
Rated on pacificpiranha's review
Commented on pacificpiranha's review
I personally feel that the laser treatment for hair scan is required to check on the progress on hair growth. Also homeopathy takes time to heal, it doesn't give you immediate results.
Rated on anusai's review
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