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Member Since:Feb 16, 2012
0 MS Points
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SYW...Should be ashamed with their business Polic
Reviewed Shopyourworld
I brought a Kindle fire valued 12800 INR from the online ecommerce portalwww.shopyourworld.com on 18th Dec 2011. The payment was made by a StandarRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Rated on xposeShopYourWorld's review
Commented on forneeraj's review
Oh God, this guy seems to have succumbed to their bribe, 1500 to 2000 shopyourworld points must have done the trick. They have tried the same formula on me, somehow I clearly stated them 'Get Lost'.
Rated on mah1123's review
Commented on mah1123's review
Posted by a shopyourworld employee, so don't pay any attention to these kind of bullshit.
Rated on sureshshivdasani's review
Commented on sureshshivdasani's review
Anybody can make out that this is posted by a shopyourworld employee. Don't believe them, they will take you for ride, that too a long ride.
Commented on sureshshivdasani33's review
There is also another guy named Suresh Shivdasani from Delhi who posted a review which is quite similar to the above one. This clearly shows these review must have been put by some shopyourworld employee.
Rated on Suparna1812's review
Commented on Suparna1812's review
The only innovation they know is to make a fool of customer and to bribe them so that they can convert their review into 4-5 stars here in mouthshut.
Rated on anands54's review
Commented on anands54's review
Shopyourworld employee at their work. I had very very difficult time after ordering a kindle fire (1st Gen) from them and ultimately had to filed a charge back to get my money back. So, a humble request stay away from them.
Rated on zjdika's review
Commented on zjdika's review
If someone really want to experience customer delights, he or she should be clearly refrained from using shopyourworld service. Stay away from these crooks. I really doubt if they had made a single delivery within stipulated timeframe.
Rated on bibu123's review
Commented on bibu123's review
This review is posted by some shopyourworld employee. Every single genuine customer had a harrowing experience with them and this guy is pretending that shopyourworld is extremely punctual. Next time we will hear as if the order was placed and this guy got it within 24 hrs flat.
Rated on prakashpat's review
Rated on plingan's review
Commented on faisalbabu's review
No point contacting this idiot named Jasmine Oza. This guy can will give you loads of bullshit. They also have the audacity to compare their company with 'Six Sigma' implemented companies.
Commented on Sampro's review
Hi Sapro, Before you file a case with consumer court, raise this issue with your bank. If you made your payment through credit card then file a charge back and state that the order was not fulfilled. Do it at earliest. Don't let these crooks ran away with your hard earned money.
Commented on plingan's review
Hi, Kindly file charge back (charge reversal) if the payment is made by credit card. You will get the money back. In the application process, state out that the order was not fulfilled. And don't contact Jasmine Oza, this guy actually tried to bribe me. He offered me 1500 shopyourworld points Read More...
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