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Member Since:Sep 12, 2005
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Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Gatlin10's review
'Pulsar 150 Dtsi (V3): Great bike, good selling, great styling & Stupid gear box + low reliability. GOOD ONE :)) I love this bike and so does thousands ; but now Apache ROCKS :)) ' first of all..... u havent got ur facts in place..... bajaj hasnt launched a 150 V3, it has launched a 180 v3.... Read More...
Commented on pravinpulsar's review
since even im a owner of a classic pulsar 180 (sept 2002 model)..... even i had certain issues with the gearbox.... and i have got some parts changed within the gearbox by my mechanic (the mech is a ex-worker of a bajaj service center, opened his own garage now).... and i wouldnt say that the full p Read More...
since every1 is talking abt warranty getting void and stuff..... could someone pls answer and explain to me how will the bajaj guys get to kno if the bike was given somewhere elz?? coz if the work is professionally and perfectly done on the bike..... i dont think the bajaj guys gonna get to kno anyt Read More...
Commented on aravind.deeps's review
many of ur points r stressed on mileage...... and this one really caught my attention.... 15. p.s. Anand’s bike has done 20K+ kms, and he says he gets 60 kmpl that too on Mum. roads ! And this idiot posts on MS thinking new readers will lap up all lies and buy a Bajaj Product !!! so mr..... wh Read More...
Commented on saurav_just4u's review
well...... abt the water seeping in to the spark plug...... there is no harm as such done to the bike in this case..... only thing is u wont be able to start ur bike...... its nothing like there'll be a short circuit if there is water....... have experienced this many times when i have given my bike Read More...
Commented on rishipahuja's review
u mentioned it has the best re-sale value....... FYI.... bajaj pulsars re-sale value is v.low compared to other bikes in the market
Commented on harishpoduval's review
just dint agree to one thing u mentioned..... that the new 180 has better top end than the old one....... for tht matter i would say that the fear the black 180 has the best pickup out of all 3 variants of pulsar (classic,v1,v2) but has the worst top end out off all 3 variants
Commented on shonti_kol's review
i just dont understand one thing..... when the bike has not yet been launched, y has a separate section been made for it where fools come and write reviews either of the pulsar dtsi, or some of them claim to have seen the bike and ridden it or whateva..... this whole section shd be deleted for now a Read More...
Commented on schakraborty3112's review
oh..... ive managed to pull out 27kpl from my bike.... and i kno how i managed it....... so even i wouldnt mind trying the 150 v2 :D
Commented on cbz_freak's review
hey dude....... never expected to encounter u like this after a small offline chat that we had..... but as said........ some guys r at it again..... now u were saying something abt keepin the bike for 6 yrs...... hmm pulsar was launched in 2001.... so sorry boss 6 yrs at the moment is not possibl Read More...
Commented on rodney.george's review
as u asked 'have a qstn: will replacing the chain sproket with little increased diameter and teeths have anything negetive?' as i have heard from ppl.... if u increase the no. of teeths in ur rear sprocket....... this will lead to a better pickup than u had b4 but will affect ur top end....... a Read More...
Commented on libin_manit's review
who the hell do u think u r huh....... since u came up with this....... lets carry on....... now u said there r other manufacturers better than bajaj.... and that the design is a copy....... now do u kno that karizma actually holds a honda 230cc engine?? now what the hell do u have to say abt that.. Read More...
Commented on Panga_na_liyo's review
seriously review suks...... if we had the cash, definately we would be having high end bikes..... but due to constraints we have to do with the indian bikes....... hence no busa or ducati for us..... as for devdon..... man grow up kid....... y do ppl always have to compare 2 bikes........ again u Read More...
as far as i can say........ i have a 2002 model classic 180....... WELL MAINTAINED....... so what do u say........ ur cbz is better than the classic 180??...... also have ridden the unicorn and that also is a v.gud refined bike....... if u talk abt old is gold....... fine example of a classic pulsar
Commented on shap's review
i understand comfy....... but did i read POWERFUL THAN THE PULSAR??? lol can say eliminator has gud power.....is arnd 175cc.... but man enticer is a 125cc bike....... how can u call it more powerful....... in any case pulsar can beat both
Commented on anandrenake's review
what is wrong with u guys man..... doubt abt his sex.... i doubt ur mind..... see each and every guy who owns a bike loves his bike..... be it pulsar, karizma, cbz, R1, busa, gixxer or any damn bike....... so whateva they call it...... doesnt mean that u have to go to the extent of doubting THIN Read More...
Commented on residentbiker's review
hey dude..... me here only....... just was a bit packed up..... well abt me banking....... yeah it definately was a steep one........ as i told u....... my foot peg ALMOST scrapped the ground..... this was while on way back from dadra and nagar haveli to mumbai...... there was an S type curve....... Read More...
sorry sandeep....... had recd. ur msg quite sometime back but was busy then with exams and then slipped off my mind..... now regarding the paint quality....... everything needs maintenance........ so does this....... the best way..... lacquering (shaft coating)..... this is a kind of plastic coat th Read More...
ok....... here was a previous comment 'I would suggest that at least the front be changed to Dunlop.' i have put dunlop zebra 2.75 for my front on pulsar..... and i wouldnt recommend this tyre if u r a high speed freak....... the tyre wobbles a lot after 100km/hr.... and ya the wobbling is co Read More...
Commented on wowwow2us's review
y even a royal enfield....... try out hero honda bikes.... i had previously noticed someone saying that he found spare parts of his cd 100 to be more expensive then of bajaj parts....... if u get it from the bajaj service centers it would be on the higher side there..... can try out the authorised b Read More...
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