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Member Since:Feb 05, 2005
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Education: M.Sc
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Goibibo is a big cheat
Reviewed Goibibo
I booked bus ticket in SVR travel through goibibo for wrong date by mistake. As per SVR travel the ticket can be cancelled and get refund if cancelled prior tRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
I am not comparing any policies to any other travel company but simply saying that refund policy of goibibo is just a cheat. Why there should be no refund if you are not traveling and decided to cancel the ticket well prior to 20-22 Hours of departure.
Commented on goibibo_ibibo's response
Goibebo is a big cheat The fact that due to their cheating policy and software fault i lost my Full ticket Money.
Goibebo is a big cheat
But how can you say that they have made false commitment on their website. They confirmed same when i spoken with them. Provide me the written document from them ... i can't believe on your words.
No worry, If you are so confident that SVR is following different policy then what they have mentioned on their website ask then to remove the content (http://www.svrtravels.com/Partial_Cancellation.php). I will get my answer.
I am not denying to attend any conference but Will the conference make any sense after 2 days of actual journey date? I would have been very happy if you could have proposed this when i initiated the mail with goibibo customer care team. But you guys only started acting when i posted the review here Read More...
As i said, i already spoke to both customer care (goibibo and SVR) and shared what there website says. Sorry to say that problem is at goibibo end and not at travel vendor end. I checked same with goibibo customer care and SVR customer care just after i made booking. If you could have initiated th Read More...
I know that its impossible to get money back from gobibo but yes, at least people will get good idea after reading this review and think twice before making any booking. Rather i would like to suggest people to book directly from bus & air travel company website rather then using these fraud broker. Read More...
Yes i do seen the reply but its a lie... Yes i do agree that your policy says the 100% cancellation fee but I do not agree that SVR is following two different policies, one is so called general and one is hidden which is not mentioned on the website. I spoke to goibibo customer care and SVR cu Read More...
Yes please check.you can also check and confirn on the svr website (link in my original thread).. after all its our hard earned money. You guys are doing business but we are not... Earn money and make profit by providing right service but not by making fraud rules.
Yes thats what i was saying that we must read all the term and conditions first before booking either ticket or hotel room because goibibo has his own set of rules and they do not follow any government policy. Goibibo do not care whether customer will loose his money and bound to follow his own set Read More...
Commented on sudheer22's review
Dear Goibibo, i do agree that you professionally cheat customer by forcing your own set of rules. Regards
My Booking ID is GOBUS0a7861377283481 and complain ticket is bus-331279.
Followed goibibo_ibibo
Commented on devendrakg's review
I too agree with the same .... they are a big cheat ... Make sure you read all policy before making any booking... they will suck your money even the travel company want to give refund as per their policy.
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