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Member Since:Oct 18, 2002
0 MS Points
All of my five children are grown and has left the nest. So now, it's just my husband and I. We have three grandchildren. They are the love of my life. I like making new friends. Writing opinions on websites and products are very enjoyable to me.
About Me
Education: GED
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Bitter Days
Reviewed Pearl Harbor Movie
This movie is about the bombing of pearl harbor, on December 7,1941.Our American Armed Forces had a lot of our troops and ships stationed. The Japanese bombedRead more...
One Of The Family
Reviewed McDonald's - Kharghar - Navi Mumbai
Our McDonalds, is a very poplar place. In the Morning, its a meeting place for the farmers and seniors. This is were they have their morning coffee, andRead more...
Folger's Every Morning
Reviewed Folgers Coffee
The second thing, that I do every morning is make the coffee. For 25 years, its been Folger. I love the robust flavor as, it fills the air through out mRead more...
Christmas Fruit Cake
Reviewed General Tips on Cooking
I like to have plenty of Fruit Cake on hand for the holidays. I make about 10 loafs, and then I wrapped them in wrap. When I served to my guest, its freRead more...
An account with Bank Of America
Reviewed Bank Of America
We had account with US Bank, and then a change took place and they became Bank of America. We have had an account with them for three or four years now, and hRead more...
A Family Tradition
Reviewed Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese
Every Sunday evening after church, my aunts, uncles, cousins , brother, mom and dad would go over to my grandmas house for a Sunday evening snack. WhichRead more...
A Pizza Lover
Reviewed Domino's Pizza - Defence Colony - Delhi NCR
Dominos is my all time favorite pizza take-out. I just love their deep-pan pineapple and Candanian bacon with extra cheese. On the other hand, my husbanRead more...
Reviewed John Q
Motivational and heart breaking is this movie. John Q Thinks that his family is fully covered with health care. However, his son gets mighty sick and is in neRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on abababbey's review
Your Review is done very well. I took care of my mother for 12 years or more, until I had no choice but to put her into a nursing home. A year later she went home. Yes, I had my ups and downs, but if I had it to do over, I Would.
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Commented on meleahk1's review
This is a well thought out review. I enjoyed reading your review. Happy Holidays.
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