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Member Since:Jun 27, 2005
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Comedy Flicks from Kamla hassan, not his fault
Reviewed Five Best Movies of Kamal Hasan
As I read the comments for an article about kamal hassans five best movies I noticed that he is being blamed for his recent monotonous and commonplace cRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on kpvbalaji's review
though i like the shape and size of SREE better than SHUBHAM any day.
it is infact any counter, any ticket and practically ANY TIME within the time limits. and i think it is the right price for that theater considering they have to keep the right crowd. also sree and shubham are the perfect size( though i like the shape and size of SREE better than SHUBHAM any day Read More...
Rated on kpvbalaji's review
nice review!!! seems like a good one anf feel like watchin it now.
the movie was a big disappointment. shankar is loosing his grip in my opinion. boys followed by this movie, both in my opinion are very normal movies. nothing that deserves the hype that was created. no AR Rehman music this time to back up his movie. that was a surprise. what do ya think abt that ba Read More...
i guess it is inevitable that changes occur. though i feel that the second change mentioned will be used as a weapon more than a flexiblilty. the first one seems ok, as i guess it spices up the one day international games more.
looks like u did ur HW on Vikram. great amount of info....well done. keep goin!!!!
Followed kpvbalaji
Commented on own review
sorry to have forgotten that movie.this was actually a follow up to my freinds article on kamal hassans five best movies...all the movies mentioned in there including moonram pirai top the list in his best performances.
very informative balaji!!!! thank you. apporva sagotharargal, sigappa rojakal, thevar magan, Mahanadi and Micheal madana kama rajan are certainly one of his best performances. as a movie i loved many others especially hey ram....too bad it didnt do too well. anyways truely agree that he is Read More...
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